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Temperature for Cedar Planked Salmon

edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I am making salmon on a cedar plank and have never done it before. I am looking for help on the right temperature range and how long to cook the salmon for. Thanks!


  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    <p />Dana ,[p]I build a small but hot fire, 350° to 400° at the dome. I will cook the fish until it is 135° to 140°. The white protein has begun to ooze out, the flesh has firmed to the touch, and the fish is not quite ready to flake. (for me, waiting for it to flake is too done). A nice fillet, with skin on one side takes about 30 minutes. Both of these fillets are just minutes away from being ready.[p]DSC01345aS.jpg[p]~thirdeye~

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