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Maple syrup glaze help

dhuffjr Posts: 3,182
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Got some nice looking jalapenos at the store today.....woulda been criminal not to buy them.[p]Gonna glaze em up with some maple sugar ala Chubby Style (or is it Ann style LOL). Do you cut the syrup or just use it straight?[p]H


  • Car Wash Mike
    I'm sure it was Ann. I cut it with butter and Raging River when I put it on Salmon.

  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    dhuffjr,[p]Straight from an e-mail from Evans, I usually use Chris's Raging River rub, (with some additional Maple Sugar added) and then the last 10 minutes or so...glaze with Maple Syrup! It pays off to keep the Wife (BOSS) happy, but I have gotten to really like her sweet and hot version![p]Following those directions, I have used it straight with goooood results.[p]~thirdeye~[p]
    Happy Trails

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