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Ping: Juliem4444/your turk. set-up

Bordello Posts: 5,926
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
What set-up did you use in your small for the turkey???? Sounds like it was a great cook. I've done turkeys in my large but have not tried it in the small.[p]Thanks,


  • Bordello, We were roughing it so I did not have much. we had just gotten the small 3 days before we left and we did not get any acc to go with it. just the basic egg. I bought a 12 foil pizza pan and just plunked the turkey on that, right on the grate. I did worry about the bottom burning but I had taken so much nyquil I really didn't care. The temp stayed right around 325 and after a little more than 3 hours it was done . I had a cooler that I had put two towels in and then lined with tin foil and just put the whole thing right in there for about 3 hours till dinner was ready. To take advantage of the lump that was left i cut 3 acorn squash in half the long way, scooped them out and put in a tablespoon or two of brown sugar, a shake of cinnamon and a tablespoon of butter. wrapped in foil and set right on the grate. they fit right around the edge with one in the center. that was very good. Julie
  • Bordello
    Bordello Posts: 5,926
    Thanks for the input,sounds like you did just fine for roughing it. LOL[p]Regards,