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Brisket pics anyone?

Smokin' Todd
Smokin' Todd Posts: 1,104
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
The plan is a full brisket tom night.
Anyone have any before and after pics of trimming it before placing in egg? Wanna get new ideas for this one.


  • Mike in Abita
    Smokin' Todd,
    I hope this will help.

    [ul][li]Brisket 101[/ul]
  • Bordello
    Bordello Posts: 5,926
    Smokin' Todd,
    See if this might help.[p]Good Luck,

    [ul][li]Dizzy Pig Brisket[/ul]
  • Smokin' Todd, you can remove some/most of the round pod/ball of fat on the point end. Also, you can take a wedge of fat out of the wide fat section where the point and flat are joined, on the point end. And, you can trim some of the fat off of the thick, fat side of the brisket, mostly along the flat. But, by all means, don't over do it.

  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    <p />Smokin' Todd,[p]I'm with Chuck, the hard fat on the nose and some of the side fat is all I remove. Be sure and use some foil for additional shielding if your brisket is larger than the area protected by the plate setter. Remove the foil in 3 or 4 hours after the brisket shrinks.[p]DSC01859a.jpg[p]~thirdeye~

    Happy Trails

    Barbecue is not rocket surgery
  • Car Wash Mike
    Smokin' Todd,
    Here you go. The last one I cooked. I wrapped in foil with Lipton's Beefy Onion soup mix.[p]brisket9602.jpg[p]brisket9603.jpg

  • Smokin' Todd
    Great tip. Thanx a bunch. Im mostly a rib/chicken backyard hacker guy and only done maybe 4 briskets in my life. This one has to be special. A fellow co-worker is originally from Texas and been having a lot of conversations lately about how we cant find any good BBQ(or any decent restaurants) in our area in bumblef%&k PA).
    This homesick jersey boy will probably post a pic tomorrow of the raw cut for a step by step.

  • Smokin' Todd
    Car Wash Mike,
    I like that idea with the soup mix.
    How long before the cook to you apply it?

  • dhuffjr
    dhuffjr Posts: 3,182
    Smokin' Todd,
    I trim some of the "top", I'm not good at that mythical 1/4 inch so I just trim some off so I can say I did LOL. I cut into the seam between the point and flat and remove some of that fat too. Any large chunks of fat left by the packers I cut off. Here are some pics.[p]chunkofchest.jpg[p]briskettimetocomeoff.jpg[p]Themoonrockhaslanded.jpg[p]slicedbrisket.jpg[p]burntendsbackon.jpg

  • dhuffjr,
    Your brisket looks fantastic. Would you tell me your whole recipe, at what temp?, for approximately how long?, what type of rub? etc. Thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!!

  • dhuffjr
    dhuffjr Posts: 3,182
    I am terrible about writing things down. I think that cook was DP Cow Lick rub with a little sugar supplement. 250-275 dome. Standard times 1-1.5 hrs per pound. The last pic is burnt ends. I've done them with Blues Hog and Sweet Baby Rays. Both turn out good.[p]If memory serves that cook pictured was dry I thought so I sliced the brisket kinda thicker and cut it all up into chunks and sauced them and cooked the chunks in the sauce a bit. Wasn't dry that way :>)[p]H

  • dhuffjr,
    I am assuming indirect? Is this correct?

  • dhuffjr
    dhuffjr Posts: 3,182
    Yes. The one and only time I had a silly notion to cook a brisket direct I cooked a flat and proceded to make flag stone with it.

  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    Smokin' Todd,[p]As far as trimming goes, I would rather not trim at all before cooking rather than trim too much. You can also trim the fat cap right before slicing too.[p]~thirdeye~[p]

    Happy Trails

    Barbecue is not rocket surgery
  • Smokin' Todd
    Looks great. Thanx for the photos. I think by reading by suggestions regarding my quality meat post above, my only choice of a full brisket will be one from Walmart.
    I'll look at it and just trim some, and if really get confused I'll post pics.
    Anyway I have been looking into air museums near Atlanta. Only came up with 2, but the closest of the two is 108 miles from tucker. Ouch![p]

    [ul][li]Warner Robins Museum of Aviation[/ul]
  • dhuffjr
    dhuffjr Posts: 3,182
    Smokin' Todd,
    I've seen that that is there. Maybe sometime on the way to Disney. I want to stop sometime on the way to Florida over at Fort Benning and let the kids see an airdrop.[p]The big kid would like that too :>)[p]Walmart Brisket is all I've cooked. I've had some great ones and some so so ones. Like I said you can always cue the flat up too and cook it a bit in some sauce and you'll still have some good eats. I need to cook one and put it in chili this winter. Guys here keep saying how good it is.[p]H

  • Smokin' Todd
    While Im at Walmart I may just pick up a dutch oven.
    You may have to post your adobo chicken recipe again since im too much of an idiot to copy it last times you posted it.
    I may just to the aviation museum the sunday after Eggtoberfest. Something about standng next to a B-52 and B-29 that just keeps me coming back for more! Plus this place has a gunner simulator where I will be able to simulate gunning german aircraft from a B-17!

  • dhuffjr
    dhuffjr Posts: 3,182
    Smokin' Todd,
    Hmmmmmm that does sound promising :>)[p]H

  • Car Wash Mike
    Smokin' Todd,
    I foiled it in after the internal temp hit 165. I actually made the soup and added a TBSP of cayenne pepper.[p]Mike

  • RU Eggsperienced
    <p />Smokin' Todd,[p]Here is my contribution. Man I need to cook a brisket.[p]Cheers,[p]JerryD
    [ul][li]My Personal Brisket Page[/ul]
  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    Jerry D,[p]I like the picture with he cukes and zukes.[p]~thirdeye~

    Happy Trails

    Barbecue is not rocket surgery