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Turkey in a small egg

fourseasonegger Posts: 19
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Has anyone done a turkey in a small? What would be the largest you could do? We'll be camping in the Finger Lakes region of New York at Thanksgiving and would like to do a turkey for a few families. Perhaps 10 adults. I may be dreaming in technicolour but would appreciate hearing from anyone who may have done this. [p]Thanks, Paul


  • mad max beyond eggdome
    i haven't tried it, but i think you could get about a 10 pounder in a small egg using a beer can or vertical roaster. ...if you have gratemates or small plate setter, that would probably help .. . .[p]

  • Little Steven
    fourseasonegger,[p] This is from the Canadian BGE site. I know it is accurate for the XL and Large[p]Steve



    Caledon, ON


  • fourseasonegger, Hi We just got a small to go with our large just so we could take it camping! Did a 12.5 pounder last Saturday. Stuffed it with Mac apples, onions and garlic. Rub it with dizzy pig and it cooked in 3.5 hours. wrapped it and put it in a cooler till we were ready and it was PERFECT. I was sick with a cold and was doped on nyquill and in the camper sleeping and everyone wanted to keep checking it to make sure it was not burning. I told them that unless it went below 325 or over 350 do not touch that lid or bother me. they were all sure it was going to be a burnt mess :) (INLAWS so they were hoping.) nothing but bones left and they were pretty clean.

  • mad max beyond eggdome,
    12.5 no problem. I put it on last Saturday and it was done in 3.5 hours. moist and to dye for! Julie

  • fourseasonegger
    Juliem4444,[p]Thanks for your response Julie. Did you do it direct or indirect? What was your setup? I have grill mates and a pizza stone for the small that I could use for indirect. Thanks again..Paul
  • fourseasonegger
    mad max beyond eggdome,[p]thanks Max. I hadn't thought of a vertical roaster. I actually have one that I have never used. Won one as a door prize a couple of years ago in Waldorf. I'll have to dig it out of the basement. [p]Thanks again for everyone's help. It's been a long time since lurking around on this forum, let alone post! It continues to rock!!! Without this place there is no way I would so much pleasure out of my two eggs. [p]You guys(and Gals) are the best.. Thanks again. Paul