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PNW Eggfest & new Egg

edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Just wanted to say thanks to all the experienced "Eggers" that showed up for the first "Annual" (I hope) Evergreen Eggfest last weekend. I was one of he fortunate purchasers of a LBGE. Any trepidation on purchasing/cooking on the egg was quickly put to rest as soon as I tried the ABT's and the Crow's Eggs. My wife is not big on wild game, but she ate one of those eggs and then I told her what it was. She had seconds!! I would really like to get the recipe for those if possible. I took the egg home saturday night, and kept checking on it, to make sure it really was sitting out there. Sunday, I sent her to the store for steaks and potatoes. I followed the recipe for the steaks, and, had they been thicker, they would have been awsome. They were still fantastic, and the dinner (our first) was a huge success. Having guests next weekend and all the food served will be coming off the egg![p]Thanks again to everyone who cooked for us, and I hope to be one of the cooks next year!![p]Warthog


  • Warthog,
    These are the posts we like to see! ;) I'm glad you were able to join us and that you're having fun with your new egg. We're hoping to post some of the recipes on our website shortly. First I'm taking a short breather. [p]There will definitely be a repeat next year![p]Gwen

  • P1010015.jpg
    <p />Warthog,
    The recipe for the eggs is a simple one, Wrap your favorite sausage around a hard boild quail egg, (you can get them at Asian markets in a can, couple dozen for less than 2$) sprinkle with your favorite rub, and cook at about 300 'till the sausage is done. You can also use a regular chicken egg. Google "Scotch Eggs" for some more ideas. Glad you liked them and are enjoying your egg!!![p]Russ K
    Eat Crow BBQ

  • Madhatter,
    What kind of sauce is that in the center? I have to take something to a wine tasting this weekend. I want to take a couple dishes, one which will be a cheese plate, and then maybe 2 more that are things people don't eat often. I have to match up with a NV Janz Sparkling Rose (from New Zealand). People paid very large bucks at an auction to attend ($300). I want my stuff to be the best. ;)[p]Gwen

  • Dimple's Mom,
    That is cheap mustard and mayo, with some tabasco.... Not exactly high end, but it tastes good! I have a recipe for a wasabi dipping sauce that I have not tried yet, let me know if you want to try it....

  • Madhatter,
    I'll go with the cheap mustard concoction. Everyone there loved your eggs, so why mess with perfection?[p]Gwen

  • Dimple's Mom,
    ...and that's the kind of post I wanted to see!.
    Gonna be hard to choose between San Fran and Seattle.

  • Smokin' Todd,
    I wish we could have spent the entire day out there. I had my two girls with me (starting them off early), and there was not much there for them to do, unless someone was cooking mac n' cheese on the grill, they weren't real interested in the activities. So we took them home for a while right in the middle of it. We did not get back to the park until it was really too late. Missed out on probably, the best parts (slow cooked food, drawings,...). But, I will be better prepared for next year. I look forward to the recipes being posted so that I can try them all![p]Warthog

  • Warthog,[p]I thought about doing hot dogs for the kids. Dr. BBQ actually cooked quite a few things that were very kid friendly - s'mores and apples with snickers bars to name two.[p]I also have written down that we need more activities for kids for next year.[p]There's a good chance it's going to get moved. We have two places in mind. One is more kid friendly but the other would be a killer draw for adults. We'll see. I thought about renting a bouncy house thing. What kinds of things would you like to see for kids? Other than a playground area or beach, I can't think of too much that I could bring in to a spot like Lake Sammamish State Park. I'd love suggestions.[p]Gwen
  • Dimple's Mom,
    Maybe something as simple as someone to do activities with them (kickball, face painting,) or maybe roasting marshmallows on mini eggs?? I remember growing up and searching through a pile of sawdust for coins that were dumped into them. I think as long as they can be entertained in a confined area, where the parents will feel at ease, would work. I would even volunteer my wife to help out;). Maybe a few could take an hour or so at a time, and rotate in and out. I guess I am volunteering my services.

  • Madhatter,
    Okay, just tell me if I am out of line, but I am going with the sausage wrapped eggs, and then I wanted to see if you could provide the recipe for the BBQ'd Pork that you were cooking as well. Can I put both of these on at the same time (indirect or direct, 350 deg., and time)? I'm sure you must just laugh at these and think "newbie". I do appreciate it though.

  • Warthog,[p]Those sound good. I wonder how many would leave their kids in a situation like that tho, basically with strangers.[p]I would probably hire some teen girls to do the 'babysitting' but would need someone to set everything up at the beginning of the day and then clean up at the end. I don't see how I could fit that in with all the rest we were doing earlier that morning and then clean up at the end of the day.[p]The best would be to just get a more kid-friendly location, so we'll see.[p]Thanks for the ideas!