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Why by an Egg???

edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I'd never heard of the Egg until I saw one on HGTV. There was a family creating an outdoor kitchen/living room and a play area for their kids and the husband had one. They replaced his gas grill but the egg remained. The unique design caught my attention and when I drove by a dealer and saw a sign advertising they had the Egg I had to check it out. I currently own a Weber kettle that I'm happy with except I can't do my dream project on it, cook a cake and maitaining a constant temp can be challenging/tedious. There is an enormous price difference between the kettle and BGE but I understand that there's a difference between a Benz and a Toyota, but I can test drive the them and come to my own conclusion. Unfortunately dealers in my area don't offer weekend test drive for the BGE and I don't know anyone who has one. I'm not looking for anyone to compare the BGE to weber but to share what lead you to purchase a BGE. Looking forward to your responses!


  • Best Q in Ladue,[p] Fatigue, a lack of sleep and a fella named Smitty....[p]I was tired for staying up all night tending a piece of crap cooker and Smitty twisted my arm and made me by the Egg.[p]OK OK he didn't have to twist hard. I bought the other 4 because it's a great versatile cooker, with great customer service and even better support system know as this forum.[p]
  • Celtic Wolf,[p]I must admit this forum is impressive!
  • Best Q in Ladue,
    First of all, there is NO comparison to the Egg. The Webber is for those that don't get serious about cooking, baking, bar b q ing. Price is much different but you get what you pay for. The Egg has a lifetime warrentee against defects. Webber like many other weekend warrior grills will not hold heat like the Egg will. The Egg is very easy to use once you get a few cooks behind you. Lump charcoal is clean cooking and leaves very little ash. It is true, most dealers that I see don't know .... about the Egg and they don't know how to sell it. This forum is and elite place to find out how to cook and use the Egg. With all that said, make the plunge and purchase a large Egg for your first one. Take the step up to where the professionals cook. [p]MC Jerry

  • Best Q in Ladue,[p]I was sick and tired of my crumy gas grill. I like to eat good food. I like to cook good food. I am pretty good at both. I was not able to grill.[p]The gas thing was about to need replacing again (4th one in 5 years)and I was not going to get another. I grew up with a webber and thought that was where I would go. One night I thought I would google it and see what was around and happened on the BGE and this forum.[p]Once I started to lurk around here I found myself mystified and kind of hooked. After a couple of months my wife finaly said, just get the darn thing! I looked for a used one to save on the cost and couldn't find anything close by and when I saw them they seemed to sell quickly. I decided to buy new from a local dealer and figured that if this was all hype I could turn around and sell it for a loss and an education.[p]I will never get rid of mine. Although I only joke about it with others (family/friends) I am trying to figure out how to get a small to go with my LBGE.[p]The food tastes different. Unique and delicious.[p]You won't be sorry and if you are you can probably sell the thing for a loss and an education.[p]Jay

  • Jeeves
    Jeeves Posts: 461
    Best Q in Ladue,[p]Well, I'll tell ya what...[p]There are some people in St. Louis that I'm sure will email you... I grew up in Florissant, and I'm surprised that the local egg dealer doesn't offer some samplings (usually on saturdays)....[p]There is a good egger community is Peoria and throughout the St. Louis area.[p]
    If you can wait, I'll be up visiting my family and meeting some eggers in the local area (Creve Coeur, etc) - I'm sure we can answer all your questions...[p]-Jeeves

    BENTE Posts: 8,337
    Best Q in Ladue,
    well i got my first egg in 02, the company i was working for were giving them away as a promotional item. atlanta was my territory and we found the BGE store (now i call it the mothership), and it was in atlanta. so i was sent there to buy 4 we gave them away and i kept having to go back and get more. the people there were very nice and receptive to all my stupid questions, so helpful in fact i drove two hours to the store to buy one for myself. after many more trips there to ask my questions (i did not have a computor @ home) and many more eggs for the auction, i felt i was pretty good at this stuff. i would sneek onto a computor at work and find diffrent ways to do things (like mad max's turkey).[p]fast forward a couple years to last august when me and my better half bought our first house. we set up a computor and the first bookmark i made was for the forum. since then i have gained more knowledge in 14 months than i did in my previous 5 years combined.[p]we actually went to eggtoberfest last year and as we were walking around meeting alot of the people that i had met here, and lots of sampling. she turns to me and said "why don't we get another egg". and of course my response was "WOOOHOOO!". needless to say we went right inside and bought a egg from the same guy who helped me with my first one (thanks john!!)..[p]now i still have the fever i don't post as often as i once did but i always read the forum. everyday as soon as i get home from a auction. i still learn a few things now and then, but i mostly read because i love eating. and i am always looking for ways to do diffrent things, impress my friends is proabably more accurate..[p]as to why you should buy a egg is you know a lexus is a more of a luxury car than a toyota. a egg is in the same catagory as a rolls when you compare it to diffrent cooker since you don't have any friends who have a egg you can "demo". you should be the first![p] i did not know anyone who had one before we started giving them away at the auction. still had NO friends who had one now i have 4 that have one and another one picking one up in atlanta to take to his house in chattanooga. i also have the possibility of having a friend from here that "may" pick one up then also.[p]ok sorry for rambling on but the reason is pretty simple it is the best, the forum is a great tool to pick up diffrent techniques [sp], meet some pretty day-mn good friends, and just to sit around and BS about one of the most fun things in the world to do BBQ..[p]hope this helps you decide [p]happy deciding

    happy eggin


    Anderson S.C.

    "Life is too short to be diplomatic. A man's friends shouldn't mind what he does or says- and those who are not his friends, well, the hell with them. They don't count."

    Tyrus Raymond Cobb

  • billt
    billt Posts: 225
    Best Q in Ladue,
    i saw my first egg in a local hardware store 20 years ago but did not buy, but never forgot it . after several webers and several gas grills. i went to the PA egg fest at woodburners [carl and linda are my friends and neighbors] i did not believe it would heat up as fast or be as versitile as they said, Mr. Earl was there and i watched him and bought a large.} the next year i cooked at the Pa eggfest on mini and bought it [i am old and grumpy and use the mini when my sons are away at school] i cooked at the fest again this year . i will never go back to gas.. more or less if you cannot do it on the egg it ain't worth eating. i cook on my egg all year long. south eastern PA. [and it does get below zero here}. there is a learing curve, but you can cook great stuff from the start. the forum is a wealth of info. and eggers are kind, friendly and intersting people and they can cook.buy a large to start. i did not buy years ago because i thought gas would be faster to heat up and i did not have the time to waste when the boys were young, i was wrong . i wish i had started with my egg years ago. feel free to e-mail me directly as i do not want to bore the forum

  • Best Q in Ladue, Why? So you'll have the best Q in Ladue!

  • mb168
    mb168 Posts: 265
    Best Q in Ladue,[p]We had been cooking with gas and "attempting" to make baby backs on it. We were also looking to replace it soon but wanted to get a smoker also. I had seen an episode of Good Eats where Alton made an electric smoker out of some ceramic flower pots and a hot plate and I had considered building one except I didn't want to rig the hot plate to bypss the thermister that shuts it off when it gets too hot. I woke up at like 4:00 Labor day weekend Sunday and started Googling about building ceramic cookers and came across the BGE site and fell in love with it except for the price. We were going to lunch in town that day and one of the local dealers is a pool supply that was open on Sunday so we went by. After crawling all over the large and XL I pretty much decided that I wanted the XL but still the price was bothering me. SO we went to Sams and picked up a 3 pack of ribs to come home and murder on the gasser again while we talked about the BGE. What we finally decided was that this was probably the last smoker we would ever buy. There's really nothing to rust out as so many of my gas grills had, so short of pulling a Humpty Dumpty, we should be able to use it forever, possibly even pass it on to one of the kids. So we went back on teh way home and bought it.[p]After the first rack of ribs we cooked we KNEW what we had been missing attempting to cook it on the gasser and have cooked on it 6 nights out of the last 10. 5 racks of ribs, a whole ham, sirloins, burgers, smoked tomatoes, and throughout the all of the cooks at least 40+ ABTs that were just for my wife and I.[p]We had already been talking about how nice it would be to have two so that we could cook high temp on one such as maybe a weekend lunch while cooking dinner low and slow on another and today my wife came home with a medium she found on sale. We're already trying to figure out how to dispose of the gasser....
  • AlaskanC
    AlaskanC Posts: 1,346
    Best Q in Ladue,
    You get to sit with the cool kids if you have an egg. Plus your food will actually live up to your username. :)

    BENTE Posts: 8,337
    man 4 abts a day for ten days in a row i need to buy stock in pepto if you are going to keep doing stuff like that.ROTFLMAO!!![p] those things are one of the greatest inventions of the century, man i love them but there are other parts of me that do not like them at all so i got to eat them in moderation..[p]happy eggin

    happy eggin


    Anderson S.C.

    "Life is too short to be diplomatic. A man's friends shouldn't mind what he does or says- and those who are not his friends, well, the hell with them. They don't count."

    Tyrus Raymond Cobb

  • Best Q in Ladue,[p]Got my EGG last October. Made some good hburgers & hotdogs for a while... just OK steaks.[p]Then -- dicovered this forum. My frends invited me to have backyard cookouts.[p]Now, they invite me to cook for for their festivities. Next week -- Tri-tip for 50... on a Medium![p]We'll use the host's Weber to toast the buns...[p]====[p]Oh -- something that hasn't been mentioned... we keep right on cooking through the cold and snow... The EGG doesn't care about weather.[p]Enjoy![p]~ Broc

  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,974
    <p />Best Q in Ladue,
    So far there have been at least 3 responses that have drawn my interest to your inquiry like a moth to a light. First I'm one of those dudes who believes in the BGE product as I happen to own 4 of them. Secondly, I'm one of those dudes who live up here North of you in central Illinois(Dunlap next to Peoria). Thirdly, was your reference to the Benz comment...here's the picture of a lump buying trip made to MO - our home state! When you want good lump for your BGE any carrier works!

  • Jeeves
    Jeeves Posts: 461
    Ok, and what did that cost ya? I count 12. Here that would be $6 per 10# x 12=$72+tax. Who are the BGE dealers in St. Louis?[p]-Jeeves

  • Best Q in Ladue, I am a relatively new egghead, and was fortunate enough to have a friend who had purchased one but decided she didn't have enough time to to use it, but I'm sure she would have felt differently if she had of stumbled onto this forum. Anyway, I picked hers up for a great deal, part of which was I have to keep her constantly supplied with the results of my efforts, which she loves. That was a couple of months ago, and my poor oven has not been used since, and I'm now the proud owner of two medium eggs. I just can't believe how much you can do on them, including as you said making cakes, as well as biscuits, soups, casseroles, anything. Just tonight I didn't have much time for prep, but thanks to an idea I just read on the forum, I thin sliced a big zucchini, layered it with tomato sauce and cheese to make a zucchini lasagne, and it was delicious. I would never go back to using anything but an egg.

  • Braddog
    Braddog Posts: 212
    Jeeves,[p]St. Louis dealers that I'm aware of:[p]Forshaw's on Lindbergh (your closest choice if you're in Ladue but the most expensive)
    Smoke & Fire on Manchester in Baldwin
    Suburban Leisure Center on Olive
    Lelu at Manchester & 270
    Highland Pool & Spa (two locations in Metro-East)[p]I'm pretty sure Smoke & Fire will do a demo cook. At least they offered to when some friends of mine bought theirs.[p]Braddog

  • Best Q in Ladue,
    I have a Toyota Land Cruiser and a BMW 528I the egg is tough like a Toyota and holds temp like the beamer hugs a curve SWEET. Plus the Egg is cheaper and is a gas miser :=) JOKE Check out the link below for great Egg info. it helped me make buying an egg a no brainer.

  • mb168,[p]Don't get rid of the gasser, they make great storage units for your BGE accesories...
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,974
    actually that 500 mile round mile round trip we made from central IL was to that tiny IGA (grocery store in Mexico, MO. The other advantage was that trip took us by tiny Perry, MO which is the home of Blues Hog Sauce products. Talk about a win win trip!......

  • Bordello
    Bordello Posts: 5,926
    LOL[p]Hi Ron,
    That is a picture only an Egger would understand. I love it.[p]Regards,
    Old Bones "Bordello" Bob

  • Best Q in Ladue,[p]I owned Weber grills for 20 years before buying my a BGE. My original justification for spending 7 times more than I'm used to spending for a barbecue was that it would last longer, look better, and work better than the Weber. I soon realized that the real justification is that the BGE has so much more utility than a Weber. [p]The BGE is easier to use - for example, I can start it, get it up to 350, put some chicken on the raised grid, and go for a walk with my wife and kids for an hour. When we get home, dinner is ready. Try leaving a Weber alone for 15 minutes![p]The BGE is so versatile - I had never cooked at low temps before my BGE. I'm not sure whether I prefer using the BGE as a grill (Trex steaks are amazing), smoking (cooking at 225-250 is really fun and gives incredible results for lots of foods), or using as a brick oven.[p]With 2 kids under 3 years of age, I probably would have done very little barbecue this summer with the Weber. I cooked with the BGE several times a week because the Egg does not require constant attention, and can be used to cook practically anything.[p]Mark
  • Best Q in Ladue,[p] My first egg is about ten years old. I have five now and do not compete or cater. I bought a large from Fire and Smoke? for a customer/friend in Dogtown last year. Shoot me an e-mail and I'll see if I can set up a test drive for you.[p]Steve[p]


    Caledon, ON


  • Jeeves
    Jeeves Posts: 461
    Thanks - I can see they are all trying to hit the same 'upper class' market.[p]-jeebers

  • Jeeves
    Jeeves Posts: 461
    Oh, what part of St. Louis you live in? I'm making a list of contacts up there. I visit the Florissant area a couple times a year..
  • Probably be firing mine up Saturday if you're interested. A little ways out of town in St. Paul.

  • Best Q in Ladue, It has over 3,000 years of experience behind it and it still is popular. The Weber is a fine grill. Steve Raichlen favors it because it can be used as a direct grill and an indirect smoker. However the Weber is much more difficult when it comes to controlling the internal temperature of the kettle. So much for the Weber. The Big Green Egg combines a great many benefits if you're willing to forgo convenience as the sole criteria for purchasing a grill, smoker, etc. Lump charcoal is unsurpassed for both grilling and smoking. It is easier to light than briquettes. It burns hotter and it brings subtle flavors to the food. It brings out the primative in me as I watch the fire take hold before I close the lid. The primary reason that I own one is very simple. It produces some of the best food that I've ever eaten. It is very flexible: smoking, grilling, and baking. Imagine cooking a pizza one day and a rack of ribs the next and having them both come out perfect. The use of various wood chips is an exciting addition to the cooking. When I owned a Traeger I had the wood pellet hopper full of hickory pellets. I never used anything but that. What a shame when there are so many interesting flavors to choose from. I've gone from plain vanilla to Baskin-Robbins with the Big Green Egg. One more thing. When I cook with the egg I'm developing a skill. Many others are just push a button and turn a dial.

  • Best Q in Ladue,
    click below to see my first 5 months through feb 07 on my medium egg. to quote wessb, "nuffsaid"

    [ul][li]Rick's Tropical Delight's first 5 months with an egg[/ul]