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RRP Posts: 25,928
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Don't want to beat a dead horse, but I just got home from work and headed for a cold one and the jar of those smoked queens from yesterday. I tell you they were great hot off the grill, but just being able to pull them from the jar at ease was a treat too! Having to spit the pitts out just might keep wifey out of my jar, so that "ain't" so bad either!
I just poured them back in the empty jar and I think they will keep fine refrigerated that way. Also just twisting the lid off filled the air with the aroma of the pecan smoke. Thanks again BBQfan1 for the heads up on that one!


  • RRP, yes when you put them back in the jar they will keep . ever think maybe rolling them little jewels in a rub or something ? maybe something with no salt or do you think the flavor would clash with the original brine ? and i do agree those little babies do go great with a cold one . then another , then another and so on . my brother and i eat them like candy . they also work great on pizza . reg (RPP)