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Indirect burgers

okesmokie Posts: 150
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Indirect burgers
Still just a newbie. Some of you experts talk to me about doing burgers indirect. My last two direct attempts were disasters and I am ready to try indirect. What about temp and anything you can tell me to keep from another disaster would be appreciated


  • okesmokie,
    not sure what you mean by disasters. .. [p]first, hope you're starting with good burger (at least 85/15 or 80/20 meat to fat ratio ...[p]second, if you can, try ground brisket . .. really tasty[p]i mix my burger with a few tablespoons of worcesteshire sauce. ..then make 1/2 pound patties that i usually sprinkle with dizzy cowlick or ken stone's witchy red, or simply S &P .... [p]cook on either raised grid or indirect grid at 300 degrees. ..takes a good 15 minutes per side to hit 150 internal. .. burgers are one thing i like medium well to well done. .. . [p]ONLY FLIP ONCE. .. AND NEVER, EVER PRESS DOWN ON YOUR BURGER .. all you'll be doing is pressing the juice out of them .. . . [p]HTH

  • mad max beyond eggdome, one direct recipe says up your temp to 600-700 -- cppl pme sode fpr 3 min then flip and shut down all your vents. cook 5 min and eat.

  • okesmokie
    okesmokie Posts: 150
    Chuck/Tx,thats the way i done it and they were almost charred affter three minutes.fire was over 700 pegged out thanks for the response

  • okesmokie
    okesmokie Posts: 150
    mad max beyond eggdome,thanks a lot for your response
    i thank i had them seasoned ok. the thing is i burnt um up. fire over 700. i thank i can detect that you have been doing this a long time and you could give me some advice on doing them indrect. are they as good increct? what about the tempt?

  • guys[p]i never do burgers at 600 degrees. ... even if i just want to grill them direct, i do it in the 400 degree range.. . .go maybe 5 minutes per side, flip once, go another 4 minutes or so ...add cheese and thats it .... [p]you can even go direct at 300 degrees. . . .get a good established fire going with the vents shut down fairly good.. . . then grill em for about 10 min per side. .. . (again, i'm talking about good thick 1/2 pound burgers .. .
  • FlaMike
    FlaMike Posts: 648
    I like to do mine direct @ 250º - 275º on a raised grid.
    1/2 pounders take about 45 min, flip half way through. Add a little wooster and S & P. No char, just the juciest burgers ever.

  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 224
    okesmokie,[p]It always surprises me when people say that they have trouble cooking a good hamburger. I just don't get it. I can't imagine burgers cooked on the egg being a "disaster".[p]I am by no means an eggspert, I'm just a novice egger that is learning something new everyday.[p]I'm not kidding, I must have cooked burgers every way possible. Direct, indirect, raised grid, high temp, low temp and everything in between. Every single cook was wonderful, so much so that I can't pin down what method I like best.

    I have all my friends, neighbors and relatives saying I cook the best burgers ever :)

    If you made me pick one method, I guess it would be simply.....main grid direct at 400 flipping only once.[p]One thing I never do is use pre-formed burgers or worse yet frozen patties. I always by fresh ground beef and make my own.[p] [p]

  • jwirlwind
    jwirlwind Posts: 319
    Hambbuger direct or indirect is all about heat.
    When I do hamburgers direct, I get the dome at 250 to keep the flame from getting to high when I turn them due to grease getting on the flames. I like them to flame during the turn giving them some char to the outside. Doing them inderect I get the dome to 350. Inderect will not give you the char on the outside of the meat but will smoke them just as well. I use hickory. Just my way. I am sure there are many different ways to do hamburgers. [p]Chef Jerry

  • ronbeaux
    ronbeaux Posts: 988
    Tiger Tony,
    You know you cook a good burger when your teenagers would rather eat yours than at McD... or BK, or JITB. Mine call their friends when I even mention burgers, and since they are cheap, whatever! My favorite way is 350, raised grid, flip once, with hickory or Jack Danials chips for smoke.

  • okesmokie
    okesmokie Posts: 150
    thanks now thats the kind of info i am looking for.

  • okesmokie
    okesmokie Posts: 150
    Tiger Tony,
    thanks for the response and info. you see i have never grilled, charcoaled, or cooked anything untial a cupal month ago after getting my egg .fixing to retire and thout this would be a good hobbie for me

  • okesmokie
    okesmokie Posts: 150
    ronbeaux, thanks for the info and response that the info i am looking for

  • okesmokie
    okesmokie Posts: 150
    FlaMike, thanks for the response. there is no doubt i have been getting my fire too hot 700plus i sure this 700 works for a lot of people. and i will be able to do it too when i get more experence.
  • okesmokie
    okesmokie Posts: 150
    mad max beyond eggdome,thats good info and thanks for the response. the problelm my wife and myself dont like 1/2lb bugers. maybe more like 1/4lb but we may have to learn to like them bigger