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edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
My husband purchased a BGE in January. Why does everything he cooks taste the same? Boston butts, steaks, ribs, everything has exactly the same flavor. What is he doing wrong or is this the way it is supposed to be? At this point, I'm a little disappointed in this $600 grill.


  • Eggtuary
    Eggtuary Posts: 400
    Is he cooking everything with the same rubs and woods? That can have a lot to do with it. Try different rubs and woods for different meats. I got a bunch of Dizzy Pig spices off their website and started cooking some of their recipes. These different spices will do wonders to make each meat more distinct.[p]I'm also wondering if he could be overdoing it with the smoke. It's easy to do, and will overpower the flavor of everything you eat.[p]I'm sure far more knowledgeable people will be more help, but those are my first thoughts upon reading your post.

  • stike
    stike Posts: 15,597
    how is he cooking everything?

    ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta -Dante
  • Dos Huevos
    Dos Huevos Posts: 368
    stike,[p]the same. [p]Dos.

  • Bigfoot
    Bigfoot Posts: 154
    Hi Sher![p]This is both good and bad. The good news is it is not the egg that is causing the food to all taste the same! You can get as much flavor variety from the egg as you can with any other heat source. [p]I would suggest trying some recipes! I know in the past when I would grill I really never changed things up. My chicken was good, but it was just like my roasts, steaks, ribs whatever..... By using different ingrediants and techniques I have gotten VASTLY different flavors.[p]There are some amazing sites out there with terrific recipes. Here are but a FEW;[p]http://www.nakedwhiz.com/ceramic.htm[p]http://www.wessb.com[p]Also, try some different seasonings. Check out www.dizzypig.com There line is unique and TERRIFIC! They also have some killer recipes![p]Don't give up! It is time to take it to the next level!
  • Bigfoot
    Bigfoot Posts: 154
    Sher![p]I forgot an importnat thing! Change the wood he uses or even the brand of charcoal. Try some Guava wood - that adds a whole new dimension by its self!![p]Use some apple or cherry... there are a bunch out there!
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    does he read the forum and get ideas here, cookbooks are also a good place to start, bbq, bistro, thia etc. lots of different things and ways to cook on the egg yielding remarkably different flavors

    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • katman
    katman Posts: 331
    If he is adding wood chunks or chips, tell him to cut back. He may be overpowering the food with smoke.

  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    <p />Sher,[p]I'm not trying to start a range war but you don't have to use smoke on everything. And when you do use smoke, sometimes less is more better.[p]Explore marinades, flavor brining, rubs, mops, glazes etc. Grilling or barbecuing should never be boring. With some practice, you should be able to cook several things at the same time and have everything taste different.[p]~thirdeye~

    Happy Trails

    Barbecue is not rocket surgery
  • Dos Huevos
    Dos Huevos Posts: 368
    thirdeye,[p]Great call, thirdeye. I don't use smoke on most of my stuff. Sometimes folks forget that their fuel occasionally imparts flavor, especially depending upon what type of lump you're using. [p]We tried to do some smoke free baselines on some foods, especially poultry and fish, just to see where we stood.[p]
  • thirdeye,
    what are those yellow things???

  • Dos Huevos
    Dos Huevos Posts: 368
    Essex County,[p]Since that's ham on there, I'm guessing pineapple, since they go so well together, especially grilled pineapple.[p]am i right?
  • Porkchop
    Porkchop Posts: 155
    now THAT'S what i call a nice pair! canNOT beat a good bone in loin chop! pineapple, sweet tater with butter and brown sugar& cinnamon...[p]brings a tear to my eye...

  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    Essex County,[p]Man .... Dos Huevos & Porkchop are on it. It is one of those Golden Pineapples. I paint them with melted butter and brown sugar mix. They in turn baste the chicken.[p]Aloha

    Happy Trails

    Barbecue is not rocket surgery
  • Rollocks
    Rollocks Posts: 570

    You sound like my wife did when I first got the egg. I tried several different lumps, same complaint. The only thing she likes is when I make Clays pulled beef BBQ ( I use a different rub than the recipe suggest)

    Last week though I tried an experiment I fired up my egg and also fired up my old charcoal grill with Kingsford. Cooked her steak on the kingsford my on lump. Same complaint. Next time we have steaks I'm cooking hers on the neighbor gasser, I bet she'll make the same complaint.
  • drbbq
    drbbq Posts: 1,152
    Sher,[p]I agree with all the others but i'll add that he might be using the same egg setup for everything when there are different ways to cook. I like to cook direct and hot, direct and medium and direct and slow with a raised grid. I like to cook with the platesetter at 250 for real BBQ and at 350 for roasting and even at 500 for a hot roasting thing. Then there's the pizza setup. These will create a wide variety in the taste (and texture) of the food.
    Ray Lampe Dr. BBQ
  • billyg
    billyg Posts: 315
    Have him try Cowboy lump. Around here it is availiable at ACE at very reasonable prices. It imparts very little if any flavor. I add different chunks or chips (apple, cherry, maple and of course hickory) depending on what I am cooking. Works out fine. Cedar planks for fish also impart their very own flavor.