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New forum -- feedback please!



  • Lawn Ranger
    Lawn Ranger Posts: 5,467
    I certainly meant no disrespect and now realize that I have been operating under the misconception that I had to use my password each time I logged on to check Forum input. [p]After posting last night, I decided I probably needed to explore the new system a little more closely. To my embarrasment, I found it not to be as I had believed (blush)....Maybe an extra step or two, but still very manageable even for a "Dinosaur".[p]Change is difficult when you get old. Please accept my apology...and again, my congratulations.[p]Mike

  • BajaTom
    BajaTom Posts: 1,269
    I registered some time ago. I used the new site a few times. The last time I tried to go to the site it said my password was invalid. I tried to get a new password but after trying several times I have given up.

  • edbro
    edbro Posts: 300
    When navigating to the forum from the home page, the default view is narrow with the banner down the left side eating up screen real estate. Selecting "StubbEgg Wide" gives me the desired view for my small laptop screen. Is there any way of setting that to be the default for my profile?

    Very small point here: the favicon on the old site (a BGE) is a lot better than the one on this new site. Is it supposed to be a pizza?
  • WMK
    WMK Posts: 1,747
    LawnRanger,[p]Goodness -- no apologies necessary.[p]Logging in is optional, but there are, and will be more, reasons to do so as we continue to improve our site.[p]You can even use a blank password (not my recomendation) if you wish to further streamline the login process. At the least, if you choose this option, I would recomend a username different from your handle (since your handle is public information.)[p]WMK
  • WMK
    WMK Posts: 1,747
    ChefRD,[p]Done. Sent to the email address in your profile.[p]WMK
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    will there be a visitor profile section, and the ability to email directly from the forum. my password doesnt seem to allow this, overall i like the new forum, but would like the email links

    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • WMK
    WMK Posts: 1,747
    fishlessman,[p]Yes there is a visitor profile section at "Profile -> View members list". You will need to be logged in to get there.[p]The user links in the new forum, as in the old, go to the profile -- not directly to the email address. We could add an email icon perhaps so that members can email one another more easily -- we'll add that to our list.[p]In the old forum, only messages from those without a profile would show an email link (this is something we intended to change anyway so that only those with a profile get a link -- makes trolls more obvious -- they never both to register.)[p]WMK
  • WMK
    WMK Posts: 1,747
    I've reset your password. You should receive an email directly. You'll probably want to change it to something you like. You can do this by logging in, then going to "Profile -> Edit my profile" and changing it per your preference.

  • WMK
    WMK Posts: 1,747

    You can use the "Club Egg" at the top of the screen to go directly to the "wide view" of the forum.

    I'll look in to a profile option for this also. We are working to simplify things in this regard. We will probably have a "wide view" for everything soon with resizable fonts all around (i.e. not just for the forum, but for the whole site.)

    There still may be some options necessary though (i.e. where the main menu is displayed.) We can try some different menu styles once we get switched over and have only one site to maintain.
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    cant seem to find the profile section and all i get from clicking the user links is a screen that says im not authorized to view. i am logged on and it says so in the members logged on section. maybe im missing something

    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • BajaTom
    BajaTom Posts: 1,269
    Thanks for all your hard work. This is a great forum.

  • WMK
    WMK Posts: 1,747
    fishlessman,[p]That's odd. When I log in there is a "User Menu" at the left of the home page (not the wide view of the forum.) In that menu is "Profile -> Edit my profile". You can make profile changes from there. There is also, in the same menu, a "View members list" which list all of our registered members with a link to their profiles.[p]You should also be able to click on profile links whenever you are logged in.[p]If you like, I can temporarily change your password, log in as you, as see what I can see. Or you may send me your current password in an email so that I won't need to change it.[p]WMK
  • chuckls
    chuckls Posts: 399
    <p />WMK,[p]I think the new site looks great. You appeared to have fixed the issues with FireFox browser. There's plenty of stuff to explore.[p]We'll all miss this forum format. But then I really missed my buggy whip when I got my Model T Ford, too. But now I'm used to my '66 427 Corvette, and I'll never go back to the buggy whip. [p]My vote: Switch![p]chuckls - P.S. >
    I'm not trying to offend - just my attempt at humor... Remember, it's not me, it's my handle!!

  • Gandolf
    Gandolf Posts: 907
    Just before you make the switch, how 'bout providing detailed instructions, if any, for us to follow you over there. I haven't attempted for many months. thanks[p]Dave

  • Citizen Q
    Citizen Q Posts: 484
    Well, I had two issues that bothered me. The first being that it was different and I am very resistant to change so that one can be disregarded. The second was the "leapfrog" effect of the newest post always being at the top of the page and that has been fixed, making it much easier to find specific threads when you can only check in once in awhile. I think it looks great, thanks for working so hard on this project.[p]Cheers,

  • Gandolf
    Gandolf Posts: 907
    Logged on yesterday and it worked great! Looks like even I can do it!!