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Stumpbaby's Big Green Egg Recipes and Other Stories
Oh dear lord. I have most of what I posted over the first 19 years or so....
Posted by New Bob on September 25, 2002 at 21:58:13:
Hi all,
I have 2 birds brining for beer butt chicken, following Brant's Brined Beer Butt Bird recipe. It calls for brining 12 hr. then rinsing
well, wrap in plastic for 24 hr.
Why am I wrapping the birds tightly in plastic wrap??? What is taking place for this 24 hr. period???
New Bob
Posted by StumpBaby on September 25, 2002 at 22:25:49:
In Reply to: Brant's Beer Butt Chicken posted by New Bob on September 25, 2002 at 21:58:13:
New Bob,
Hmmm...I've never heard of wrapping anything don't get me wrong...I've heard the term loosely wrapped many
...many ...times in my day...but usually not when referring to I guess you betta outta follow them there directions. As to
what's gonna be taking place for those 24 hours...that's up to you. Sometimes I just sit and watch the bird...just in case...but this
caused some problems in my household...seems last time I left the fridge door open the whole time and my wife'
fancy-pants..10-dollah cheeze went bad (as if it wasn't bad when she bought it, it already smelt like a possums behind..not that I'd
really know what that smells like..mind you....but you know..if'n I had to.. guess) those 24 hours are entirely up to ...wel..sometimes..I like to sit around reading poetry and biting my toenails...but ever since the neighbors got that new know the one that comes into my yard and drops off them there 10 pound lawn steamers..I kinda ain't been chewin' on
the ol toenails like I used-ta..
note to self..get some new shoes...
Happy day to you sir..and let us know how them there 24 hours goes fer yah...
Your egg draws flies when you cook pork ? That reminds me of a girlfriend I once had. She was somewhat of an enigma, a self proclaimed naked artist. On warm summer days, she would grab her easel, her number 2 pencil, and go outside and sit naked in the hot desert sun, drawing flies.
Posted by FrozenChosen on December 23, 2002 at 15:38:01:
In Reply to: Re: Prime Rib - Indirect ro Direct after sear? posted by kat on December 23, 2002 at 15:32:45:
I called and left a message, but never heard back. Too bad, as I've cooked at -35F, and developed recipes for moose nose and whale muktuk
as well as variants on the traditional Native favorite, stinkhead. (God, that Stump guy would run this into the ground). Merry Christmas!
Posted by StumpBaby on December 23, 2002 at 23:18:19:
In Reply to: Re: Prime Rib - Indirect ro Direct after sear? posted by FrozenChosen on December 23, 2002 at 15:38:01:
Stinkhead ? ...hmmm...that reminds me of a story...let's see ..where to begin... was a warm sunny day..3 weeks after Easter, and matter of fact, many of the easter decorations were still kickin around the house. It
was just the day before that we had following a rather bad oder.. some crusty old hard boiled..easter eggs that my daughter had
stashed under her bed...for "safe keeping". I had gone up to the order to ..well..take care of some business. I noticed laying on
the back of the commode, an Easter bonnet that my daughter had warn on Easter. It was one of those nice little, shiny, sorta plastic straw
hats with fake flowers on the front, quite cute actually. I made a mental note when I was turning around, that I should put that in it's proper
place in my daughters closet, when I was through. Well, I flipped the seat up, sat down, took out my best woodworker magazine..and
well..took care of business. Some 5 minutes later, after putting my magazine down, and standing up, I realized that the bonnet was missing, look down..and I could see exactly what had seems that the action of me flipping up the seat, had dislodged this little
number, and caused it to land square in the center of the commode, pointing up, I might add. There it sat..somewhat..heavier that it had been
a few minutes before..and yet still doing its best to remain afloat. You know, there is a time when you just can't believe what you are
seeing...a time when...time itself seems to stop..and you just stand there...with that "deer in the headlights" look..trying to make sense of
what you're looking at..and then..eventually..your brain starts to work again..and you start to realize what it is you're looking at, and what it
means to you. What can I that moment..soo many things came to mind..not the least of which is that...nobody is gonna believe
you start to think you may want a picture to prove it...but then you realize what you are thinking and come to your senses..then the realization
comes are gonna have to retrieve that item..cause it was obviously not gonna disappear on its own. Then you realize what this
means..the word retrieve has never meant so much..than it has in this sense..good ask yourself I retrieve it ..and
then you realize that..when (and it wasn't a question of was when) you do retrive it..should an attempt be made to ..uh...salvage said
item...and if not..what then ? How does one properly dispose of such a thing ? I decided that all I should do is retrive this offensive item, and
properly dispose of it. After giving it some thought, a somewhat brilliant idea came to mind, on how to retrive this item. Without getting
dressed, I ran downstairs, telling my wife not to go to the upstairs bathroom as I flew by, grabbed a trash bag, and my daughters 1 foot long
Mickey Mouse fishing pole and ran back upstairs. I was standing there, in front of the commode, completely undressed, with that Mickey
Mouse pole in hand, trying to snag that bonnet, when my wife walked in (evidently her curiosity had been peeked). Imagine her surprise to
see me in such a state..I don't know what ran through her mind (and I probably don't want to know)..but she had that look of disbelief in her
eyes..and all she could say was "catch anything"...and all I could think to say was " ever hear of a stinkhead?". Ahh..what can I
say..she just shook her head, turned around, and walked out..never even asked what the deal was..and I never offered. Over time she learned
not to ask questions when these type of things happen. I finally caught that offending item..and threw it out in the trash. Now, all I gotta do is
remember that I gotta buy a new Easter bonnet when Easter gets close. I don't want to have to explain to anybody..what had happened to that
bonnet. If I get lucky, I'll find the exact same one..and nobody will be the wiser. The only side affect is when I cook fish for dinner, I gotta
listen to the wifes wise "Wonder where you caught that?"
Ahh...god bless.. her..
Oh, yeah. and to make this a legal post...
Yesterday I cooked a pork roast on the big green egg.
You have a happy holiday!
That was a true stumpbaby classic in true stumpbaby classic style clear back to 2002.
The good old days Ron.
Posted by South O on January 07, 2003 at 09:44:30:
In Reply to: Re: The outcome of Cybersex with a married spouse posted by StumpBaby on January 07, 2003 at 09:23:02:
How can you mention fleas without entertaining us with a story? Please do, I know that I am not the only one who wishes to read about it.
Give my best to momma
Follow Ups:
*****Posted by StumpBaby on January 07, 2003 at 17:29:44:
In Reply to: Re: The outcome of Cybersex with a married spouse posted by MikeO on January 07, 2003 at
Momma said I was not to be talking about the great flea incident no more..on accounta it's embarrasing to the
family..most of all to my
brother Chris ..she said nothin good can come of it...and most of the time momma is right..once I thought she
wasn't right..and did something
she done told me not to do...I payed for that..she beaned me over the head with a knobby ol crusty turkey that time...I'm
gonna wait till momma has something soft in her one of them country biscuits gramma makes (not
the ones my sister Beulah
makes..on accounta they come out wrong and can do more damage than that turkey leg..momma says we still
gotta eat them make
Beulah feel better..momma says if Beulah didn't have that lazy eye..she wouldn't be messin up the recipes all
the time...easy for momma to
say..about eaten them biscuits..she's got them 4 strong molahs in the front..can crush through anything. I will
say this..I notice momma don't let
Beulah help mix up the shine...momma ain't gonna let a lazy eye get bettween her and some good shine..but
it's OK for the biscuits...sometimes I
think momma don't think the rest of us) if'n I get hit with a nice soft biscuit...then that's OK.
Well..mommas not on the's I feel safe telling this story here..cept if anybody spreads it around....
Well..most people take good care of their dogs and can tell when they been gettin fleas..matter of fact..I hear
tell of people that wash their
dogs so they don't get the fleas in the first place..but that's probably people what don't have to walk down to
the creek to fill the
know..they have them fancy pipes in the folk..momma calls them..but anyway...I'll tell you how we
found out that my poor dog
Patrick got them fleas..and you may laugh..cause it may seem that there's got to be a better way..and I would
agree...and I would tell you we
now check that dawg for fleas about once a week..nobody wanna go through what we did to find them fleas. was a warm sunny day...and
momma went into my brother Chris's room to git him outta bed..he was way to late for milkin the cow..and
poppa sure was mad not to have
any milk with his grits. As momma walks into Chris's room...she sees Patrick walking outta the room..with his
tail bettween his legs...momma was
worreid bout that..cause he only does that when he was getting into something bad..or when he passed
some nasty doggy gas..sorta wrecked our blamin our gas
on the dawg..cause momma would look down..and if'n the dogs tail was not down bettween his legs..she
knows it was one of us that done it. So,
she knew Patrick was into something awful..and to hear her tell the story..she did walk into some sorta
stinky business that day..started hitting my
brother with a broomstick..cus'n at him like you read about..thinkin he must have had some nasty gas..till she
went'n stepped onto something what
she called know when you've stepped into something squichy..specially when you've got them
bare feet on..and it feels like a
real old tomotoe squishing down bettween your toes. Momma looked down, to find that ..sticking halfway out
from under Chris's, bed was a nasty
old pair of Chris's underwear..and when she bent down to take a closer look..(momma was so brave at
times..I think if I saw them
underwear..I'd be runnin for the hills..or maybe the creek)..well..the first thing momma noticed was that a large
portion of them there
undergarments were just plum gone...and from what she could would be the backside that was
missin..and momma got so interested she
grabbed that underwear with her bare hand to get a closer look (I made sure not to eat mommas meatloaf
until after the next Saturday..which
was our weekly wash day..on accounta momma mostly mixed that meat by bare hand)and she made the
biggest whoopin noise...
(like that one poppa made when he found out Beulah had a man friend wantin to take her hand in
marriage...that is until he found out it was
cousin was still OK with us kids..let Billy eat hard biscuits we said..but poppa would have nuthin of
it..pointing out what happened when our other cousins married...puttin it that way was hard for us to say yes
to..we're stuck with hard biscuits ..I guess)...but this whoopin noise was not good..cause it was because
momma saw some fleas on that there undergarment..she started
screaming at Chris throwing that there undergarment at him..yellin to poppa to get the washtub ..cause one of
da boys had fleas again. (Me and my brother Jeff..we first thought Chris had them saber tooth crotch crickets
again..but we was not gonna try to correct momma..cause we couldn't remember if she knew about the first
time Chris caught them..and we didn't wanna spill the beans..figuring Chris was in enough trouble..on accounta
the missin parts of those underwear) Chris
woke up..liftin his head outta that puddle of drool on this pillow...and he spied momma waving around..them
underwear..and well..before he
knew what momma ws screaming about... he lost it..plum lost it..starting apologizing to momma about not
making it to the bathroom..and how
he was gonna wash out them there pantaloons (Chris sometimes tried to use some of them fancy French make us think he was the
smart one of the family..didn't fool nobody..especially after what was just about to happen)..soon as he woke
up..said he thought it was only
gas..and too late he realized there was something more to it...and seeing as how tired he was..just tossed them
there heavier
garments..under the bed till the morning. This stopped momma cold...she had that look on her face like people
get when they're trying to do
some serious math in their grampa used to get when he went to market to sell cows..course I think
grampa gave way lot of them
cows..on acounta bad math..we all just stood there and waited for momma to realize what this meant..she
didn't see anything like what Chris
was confessin to on them garments..then I think she realized about that dawg walking out like was at
this time I think that momma did finish
that math problem in her head..put 2an2 together poppa said...and realized what had happened. Apparently
that dawg had found them there
nasty pantaloons (to borrow a word of Chris) and musta been mighty hungry that mornin...cause he prolly was
now the owner of the missing
parts of those pantaloons..I seen dogs eat some nasty stuff in my day..but nothing close to that...(what I
thought about...right at this point.. was all that time earlier that
morning ..that ..I was letting Patrick lick my face...good god..that's not good..I ran away and wiped my
tongue off...from now on, momma said..always
close your mouth when the dog licks your face...specially until Chris moves out..if'n he's gonna keep having
these mishaps). Momma
eventually figured out that the fleas on that there underwear were prolly from the dawg...although she
inspected Chris right fully..clear after
she beat him with an old hickory stick (poppa said wasn't the first time Chris was hit with a stick..he said just
look at him and you know he got
a whoopin with an ugly stck at some point..we sure did laugh at that). Both Chris and the dwag got a bath that
day...even though it wasn't
Saturday..and far as I know..Chris don't make those mishaps no more..he always runs to the outhouse even
if'n he thinks that it's just some
gas..said he ain't providing nothing more for that dawg..although I think it was another whoopin he was
worried about..that sure took a long time to
heal. We now check that dawg for fleas often.. momma says we gotta keep doing it, as it's the easiest way to
tell..rather than going through what we
just did. Tween you and I..I don't let that dawg in my's just in case.. I won't have the same problem
as way I'm gonna be runnin
to the outhouse that much..specially when I only suspect something in brewing....I'll go when I know for
sure..and not a minute before.
That's complete flea story..don't spread it around..last I need is for momma to know I dun told
everybody our nasty flea story
Hay-Suse-Cristo, hard to believe I posted all that nonsense by typing with one finger for like 20 years. My finger is the same length too, I wish I used a double blind study and spelled some of it with my finger and some of it with the sharp edges of the morning tiddly wanker. I could be literally swimming in tiddly wanker data at this point. So so sad
It’s great having the stump back and I hope he’s doing well. But maybe stumpbaby classic posts are better left in the past as a great memory of that time.Thank you,DarianGalveston Texas
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