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  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Red Sea and the Houthis update for Wednesday:

    The U.N. Security Council will vote today on a resolution that would condemn and demand an immediate halt to attacks by Yemen’s Houthi group on merchant and commercial vessels in the Red Sea. The U.S. draft resolution says at least two dozen Houthi attacks are hampering global commerce and “undermine navigational rights and freedoms as well as regional peace and security.” The draft resolution also demands the immediate release of the first ship the Houthis attacked on Nov. 19, a Japanese-operated cargo vessel with links to an Israeli company. Edith M. Lederer reports for AP News.

    The U.K. and U.S. Navy intercepted 21 Houthi missiles and drones launched from Yemen, in one of the largest Houthi attacks to take place in the Red Sea in recent months, U.S. Central Command said . The barrage was launched last night toward international shipping lanes in the Red Sea where “dozens” of merchant vessels were traveling. CENTCOM added that no ships were damaged from the attacks and no injuries were reported. Oren Liebermann reports for CNN.

    And this link for more info:


    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Wednesday Russia-Ukraine update:
    "Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow would do everything it could to halt Ukrainian attacks on Belgorod as Russia’s Defence Ministry said it had brought down 10 rockets fired at the Russian border city in an attack that injured three. Hundreds of people have been evacuated from Belgorod since an attack last month that killed more than 20 civilians.
    Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu assured security officials that his forces were in control along the roughly 1,500km (930-mile) front line, which has been largely static over the past year despite fierce fighting. “We retain the strategic initiative along the entire line of contact,” Shoigu said, accusing the United States of pressuring Ukraine to keep fighting against Russia. He claimed that Ukraine lost 215,000 soldiers in the fighting last year.
    A secret meeting took place last month in Saudi Arabia between Ukraine, its Group of Seven (G7) allies and a small group of Global South countries to build support for Kyiv’s peace plan, according to Bloomberg News. The report, citing people familiar with the situation, said China chose not to attend and Russia was not invited."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Thursday Israel-Hamas update:

    "The Palestine Red Crescent said an Israeli drone missile hit an ambulance in Gaza yesterday, killing four crew members and the two patients it was transporting. The ambulance was approaching the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the city of Deir al Balah, the group said, adding, “our colleagues were intentionally targeted while inside an ambulance clearly marked with the Red Crescent emblem.” Anushka Patil reports for the New York Times.

    Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip “will not be returned alive” unless Israeli forces leave, a Hamas spokesperson said yesterday at a news conference in Lebanon. The statement highlights the predicament facing the Israeli government, which has repeatedly vowed to release hostages while pursuing the war and defeating Hamas. Hwaida Saad reports for the New York Times.

    In a rebuke against right-wing ministers of his own coalition government, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said yesterday, “I want to make a few points absolutely clear: Israel has no intention of permanently occupying Gaza or displacing its civilian population.” Alexander Smith reports for NBC News. "

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Thursday Russia-Ukraine update:
    "NATO allies emphasized in a meeting with Ukraine that they will continue to provide Ukraine with major economic, military, and humanitarian aid. In a statement after the video conference, NATO confirmed that member states planned to provide “billions of euros of further capabilities” in 2024 to Ukraine. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg added that “NATO strongly condemns Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian civilians, including with weapons from North Korea and Iran.” Reuters reports.
    Two Russian S-300 missiles struck a hotel in the centre of northeastern Kharkiv injuring 11 people, including journalists, according to Mayor Ihor Terekhov. Several other buildings, including two apartment blocks, were also damaged.
    Authorities in Belgorod evacuated some 392 children from the Russian border city after weeks of shelling from Ukrainian forces. Some 300 residents have already left the city, one of the biggest civilian evacuations on Russian soil since Moscow began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
    Russia and Ukraine reported intense battles along the front line in the south and east around Avdiivka, Mariinsky, Kupiansk and Kherson. Russia claimed Ukraine had lost at least 450 soldiers in the confrontations, while Ukraine claimed it had killed 800 Russian troops.
    Ukraine announced a new online service which will allow Russians whose relatives are soldiers missing in Ukraine to find out whether they have been confirmed killed or are being held as POWs.
    Speaking in Lithuania, at the start of an unannounced visit to the three Baltic states, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned that Western hesitation on aid was emboldening Russia and that Ukraine needed to strengthen its air defences and replenish its supplies of ammunition. “He [Russian President Vladimir Putin] won’t finish this [war] until we all finish him together,” Zelenskyy said after talks with his Lithuanian counterpart Gitanas Nauseda. “Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova may be next.”"

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • dbCooper
    dbCooper Posts: 2,344
    lousubcap said:

    Unfortunately I can't go public with the proof but, here's how it really went down... the caper was a conspiracy with the pilots, flight engineer and the stewardess.  Once we had the cash and got airbourne they double-crossed me and tossed my ass out empty handed.  That flight attendant may look sweet and petite, her left hook says otherwise.  They ended up with the cash free and clear while I was elected the fall guy and had to take refuge in Nebraska. 
    Any time you're having a bad day imagine being in my shoes.
    LBGE, LBGE-PTR, 22" Weber, Coleman 413G
    Great Plains, USA
  • HeavyG
    HeavyG Posts: 10,380
    "the fall guy"


    “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” ― Philip K. Diçk

  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    And this from Politico today.  You can't make this up...

    Haters gonna hate: Pentagon pushes back against Fox News conspiracy theory involving Taylor Swift

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Red Sea and the Houthis update-Friday:

    "President Biden directed U.S. military forces, with the support of five other states, to carry out military strikes against targets in Yemen controlled by the Iran-backed Houthi group, in an expansion of the war that many have attempted to avoid since the Oct. 7 attacks. The strikes came in response to more than two dozen Houthi attacks against commercial vessels in the Red sea since November, and followed repeated warnings by the Biden administration and its allies that there would be consequences if the attacks did not end. Eric Schmitt and Helene Cooper report for the New York Times

    The United States and coalition forces hit more than 60 targets at 16 Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen last night, a U.S. Air Force Commander said. More than 100 precision-guided munitions were used in the strikes on munitions depots, launching systems, weaponry facilities, command and control nodes, and air defense systems. Haley Britzky reports for CNN.

    The joint strikes are “intended to disrupt and degrade the Houthis’ capabilities to endanger mariners and threaten global trade,” U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin saidMeanwhile, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the strikes are “necessary and proportionate” to protect global shipping commerce and said the action was in “self-defense” against the Houthis. President Biden issued a statement saying, “I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.” 

    Russia has called an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council following the joint U.S.-coalition strikes against the Houthis, which a Kremlin spokesperson called“illegitimate.” The meeting will take place today, state media reported. The strikes followed a Security Council resolution adopted on Wednesday demanding the Houthis stop their “brazen” attacks in the Red Sea. Four Council members, including China and Russia, abstained from voting. Mariya Knight reports for CNN.

    The U.S.-led airstrikes in Yemen killed five people and injured six, the Iran-backed Houthis saidwithout specifying what was targeted

    Iran’s foreign ministry has condemned the strikes on the Houthis as a “clear violation of Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity” and a “violation of international laws.” The attacks “will have no result other than fuelling insecurity and instability in the region,” the ministry added. BBC News reports.

    Saudi Arabia said it is watching the U.S.-led coalition strikes with “great concern” and has called for “restraint and avoiding escalation.” BBC News reports. 

    A group of Democratic lawmakers condemned the U.S.-led strikes against the Houthis, which were conducted without prior congressional approval, arguing that the Constitution requires military action to be authorized by Congress. Olivia Alafriz reports for POLITICO.

    Anti-war protesters gathered in Times Square in New York City and outside the White House late yesterday to protest against the U.S.- led strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen, saying the move threatened regional spillover from the war in Gaza. Kanishka Singh reports for Reuters. "

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Israel-Hamas Friday update:

    "South Africa has presented its case accusing Israel of genocide at the International Court of Justice, saying Israel’s plan to “destroy” Gaza comes from the “highest level of the state.” Israel’s “genocidal intent” was evident “from the way in which this military attack is being conducted,” South African lawyers said. South Africa called on the court to order Israel to cease military operations in Gaza, adding, “every day there is mounting, irreparable loss of life, property, dignity and humanity for the Palestinian people. Nothing will stop the suffering, except an order from this court.” At the time of writing, Israel is presenting its defense before the ICJ. Anna Holligan and Oliver Slow report for BBC News.

    Israel’s defense opened with a detailed description of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks, arguing “it is impossible to understand the armed conflict in Gaza without appreciating the nature of the threat that Israel is facing.” Israeli lawyer Tal Becker added, “none of these atrocities absolve Israel of its obligations under the law. But they do enable the court to appreciate core aspects of the present proceedings which the applicant (South Africa) has obscured from view.” Becker told the court that South Africa presented “a sweeping counter-factual description” of the conflict. Israel’s legal team also asserted that South Africa’s request for an immediate ceasefire would allow Hamas “not just get away with murder…but render Israel defenseless as Hamas continues to commit it.” Alexander Smith reports for NBC News.

    The “Israeli aggression on Gaza and its continued committing of war crimes against the Palestinian people” are “responsible for the rising tensions” in the Middle East, Jordanian foreign minister Ayman Safadi said today. Safadi said that Israel was pushing the region toward conflict by “continuing its aggression and its attempt to open new fronts.” Suleiman Al-Khalidi reports for Reuters."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Friday Russia-Ukraine update:

    "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy yesterday ruled out a ceasefire with Russia, saying it would allow Moscow to rearm and regroup. “A pause on the Ukrainian battlefield will not mean a pause in the war. A pause would play into (Russia’s) hands,” he said. Limited ceasefires have been occasionally proposed since Russia launched a full-scale war in February 2022 but have never gained traction. Harriet Morris and Illia Novikov report for AP News.

    Ukraine’s parliament has refused to consider a conscription bill proposing a crackdown on draft dodgers, with MPs arguing punitive measures such as limiting their rights to own property and freely use personal money were unconstitutional. The move deals a blow to Kyiv as it continues to face soldier shortages on the battlefield. Abdujalil Abdurasulov and Megan Fisher report for BBC News.

    The United Kingdom will provide £2.5 billion of military aid to Ukraine over the coming year, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced today, marking Britain’s largest annual commitment to Kyiv since Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022. Sunak made the announcement during a visit to Ukraine, where he will sign a new agreement supporting its long-term security. James Landale reports for BBC News."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    edited January 12
    A bit more on the Red Sea-Houthi strike:

    "American and British jets and ships attacked more than 60 Houthi militant targets across at least 16 locations inside Yemen early Friday, which was late Thursday in Washington. “Over 100 precision-guided munitions of various types were used in the strikes,” including “Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles launched from surface and sub-surface platforms,” U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Alex Grynkewich said in a statement.

    Other nations involved: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, though it’s unclear precisely what role each played, and the White House declined to elaborate. (Denmark, Germany, New Zealand, and South Korea joined with the six nations already mentioned in a separate statement of support for the strikes, vowing “not [to] hesitate to defend lives and ensure the free flow of commerce” through the Red Sea in the weeks ahead.)

    “This multinational action targeted radar systems, air defense systems, and storage and launch sites for one way attack unmanned aerial systems, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles,” U.S. officials at the Tampa-based Central Command said after the operation.

    On the British side, four Typhoon FGR4s “used Paveway IV guided bombs to conduct precision strikes on two of these Houthi facilities,” officials at the Ministry of Defense said in a statement. “One was a site at Bani in north-western Yemen used to launch reconnaissance and attack drones,” and an airfield at Abbs, Yemen, was another target. “Intelligence has shown that it has been used to launch both cruise missiles and drones over the Red Sea,” the Brits said. (You can watch video of the British strikes, here.)

    A Houthi spokesman afterward claimed 73 strikes hit different facilities across Sanaa, Hodeidah, Taiz, Hajjah, and Saada (The New York Times assembled those locations in a map, here). The strikes killed five Houthi militants, and wounded another half dozen, the Houthi spokesman said in a video posted to social media on Friday. 

    The Houthis also promised to respond, and vow to use “more than 24 drones and several missiles,” as they did on January 9 in the Red Sea—causing the U.S. and the Brits to repel that attack with naval and air assets in the Red Sea."

    Edit to add the following:

    Official Saudi reax: “While the Kingdom emphasizes the importance of maintaining the security and stability of the Red Sea region, as the freedom of navigation in it is an international demand due to its impact on the interests of the entire world, it calls for restraint and avoiding escalation in light of the events the region is witnessing,” Riyadh’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement

    The Saudis, you may recall, are trying to extricate themselves from their own war on the Houthis in Yemen, which the Saudis and Emiratis launched in March 2015 after the Houthis seized control of the capital city, Sana’a, before marching south to Aden—where they were halted by UAE forces. The Emirates, however, have since withdrawn from Yemen, leaving the Saudis to negotiate some kind of peace deal with the Iran-backed militia in Sana’a. "

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    And this today on the Red Sea and the Houthis:
    "WAR REPORT: The U.S. and allies launched another round of strikes on Houthi positions in Yemen, escalating the widening Middle East conflict further even as the militia vowed to keep attacking Red Sea ships and other American/British targets, per the WSJ. The strikes were overseen by Defense Secretary LLOYD AUSTIN from his room at Walter Reed, where he remains hospitalized; Biden told reporters yesterday that though Austin’s secrecy about his whereabouts had been a lapse in judgment, he retained confidence in the secretary.

    Biden made the choice to go after the Houthis this week after following his typical decision-making process for the past couple of months: acting only after a long period of deliberation, warning and getting allies on board, as reconstructed by Alex Ward and Jonathan Lemire. Of course, the one step he didn’t take was getting permission from Congress, enraging some on the left and the right who say he’s running afoul of the War Powers Act, Anthony Adragna, Joe Gould, Katherine Tully-McManus and Connor O’Brien report. Biden did finally send a formal notification of the strikes to Congress yesterday, per Andrew Howard.

    This could be a tough fight for the Western coalition to win. The Houthis are prepared after years of fighting the Saudis. Several analysts tell WaPo’s Kareem Fahim and Loveday Morris that the strikes “played directly into the hands of a battle-tested militant group whose standing in the region has only been enhanced.” And the Navy is already struggling to get sufficient replacement ships to the region, Paul McLeary reports."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    For those of us who follow F1 racing here you go:

    Steiner out at Haas as Komatsu takes over as team principal

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • HeavyG
    HeavyG Posts: 10,380
    Good day for Ukraine, bad day for Russian aircraft.

    Ukraine has shot down one of the few existing Russian A-50 AWACS IL-76 reconnaissance planes and it appears the Russians have had a friendly fire incident which severely damaged one of their own IL-22's.
    The A-50 is now a "submarine" but the IL-22 was able to land tho unclear if it will be returnable to flying status anytime soon.

    Methinks there will be a few more Russians falling out of windows in the coming week or two.

    “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” ― Philip K. Diçk

  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Monday Red Sea and Houthis update:

    "U.S. fighter aircraft shot down an anti-ship cruise missile the Houthis fired toward USS Laboon (DDG-58), U.S. Central Command announced Sunday night.

    Central Command’s release did not specify the aircraft that shot down the missile or the military branch. The fighter aircraft shot down the missile off the coast of Al-Hudaydah, according to the release.

    There were no reports of damage or injury following the strike.

    The attack on Laboon comes after two days of strikes by the U.S. and the United Kingdom on Houthi targets in Yemen. During the strikes, which involved a number of warships and aircraft, the U.S. and U.K. hit sites that included radar systems, production facilities and munition depots, USNI News previously reported.

    The Houthis promised retaliation for the strikes. Yemeni Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf Abdullah gave the United Nations a letter of protest against the U.S. and U.K. strikes.

    Houthi spokesperson Mohammed Abdulsalam took to social media site X to call the strikes a “blatant violation of national sovereignty.”

    “On top of the 100 days of Israeli aggression against Gaza, we affirm that the hostile measures by America against Yemen will not prevent the armed forces from continuing to implement their religious, humanitarian and moral commitment in support of the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance by continuing to target ships belonging to the enemy entity and heading to the ports of occupied Palestine until the aggression stops and the siege on Gaza,” Abdulsalam said on X."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Monday Russia-Ukraine update:
    The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said fierce fighting continued on the front line with 86 attacks reported on Sunday.
    The Washington, DC-based Institute for the Study of War think tank said, “Russian forces will likely try to sustain or intensify localised offensive operations throughout eastern Ukraine in an attempt to seize and retain the initiative regardless of weather conditions”. But it added that they were unlikely to make any significant breakthroughs.
    Oleg Gumenyuk, the former mayor of the far eastern Russian city of Vladivostok who was jailed for 12 years after being found guilty of corruption, is fighting on the front line in Ukraine after signing up for the military, Russian media reported. Gumenyuk reported for duty on December 22.
    Ukraine’s presidential chief of staff Andriy Yermak said China needs to be involved in talks to end the war with Russia. Speaking after a high-level diplomatic meeting on Kyiv’s 10-point peace formula ahead of the WEF, Yermak said it was important that Beijing was at the table when Kyiv convenes further meetings on the plan. National security advisers from 83 countries attended the latest talks.
    France and Germany reaffirmed their support for Ukraine. “We are in full agreement… that we must support the Ukrainians for as long as necessary,” newly-appointed French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne told a press conference alongside his German counterpart Annalena Baerbock. Baerbock said they would remain “on the side of Ukraine as long as necessary, until Russia has withdrawn” from Ukrainian territory.

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Tuesday Israel-Hamas update:

    "Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said yesterday that the “intensive maneuvering stage” of Israel’s military offensive in Gaza will “end soon.” Gallant said Israel’s initial plan in Gaza was a three-month operation after the Oct. 7 attacks, but that the Israeli military adapts its approach “in accordance with the reality on the ground” and its intelligence. It follows the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announcing that its 36th army division, comprising engineering and infantry companies, exited the Gaza Strip last night, marking the most significant indication yet of a shift to a new phase of fighting which Israel has previously promised. Radina Gigova, Ivana Kottasová, and Amir Tal report for CNN.

    Hamas fighters are using weapons from around the world, according to new expert analysis by the Associated Press of more than 150 videos and photos taken since the Oct. 7 attacks. Experts were able to identify features that show where many weapons used by Hamas were manufactured, including in Iran, China, Russia, and Bulgaria, but such analysis does not provide evidence of whether they were supplied by the governments of those countries or where they were purchased.

    The Palestine Red Crescent Society said yesterday it resumed emergency and rescue services in Gaza city, over two months after Israel’s ground offensive forced it to shut down its hospital and cease operations. A spokesperson for the society said it was able to resume services because the Israeli military is withdrawing from areas surrounding some hospitals in northern Gaza as the IDF focuses its operations on the south. Hiba Yazbek reports for the New York Times.

    Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) said it attacked the “spy headquarters” of Israel in Iraq’s Kurdistan region, state media reported last night. The IRGC also said they struck in Syria against the self-styled Islamic State militant group. Iraq’s foreign ministry released a statement condemning Iran’s “aggression,” and said it will take all legal measures against IRGC’s actions. Parisa Hafezi and Timour Azhari report for Reuters."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    The latest with the Houthis:

    "A missile fired by the Iran-backed Houthis struck a U.S.-owned container vessel near the coast of Yemen yesterday, according to the U.S. Central CommandNo injuries or significant damage were reported, and the ship is continuing its journey. Sareen Habeshian reports for Axios. 

    The Houthis will expand its targets in the Red Sea to include U.S. vessels, the group said yesterday. A spokesperson for the Houthis said, “The ship doesn’t necessarily have to be heading to Israel for us to target it. It is enough for it to be American…The United States is on the verge of losing its maritime security.” The Houthis previously said they would only target Israeli ships or ships en route to Israel, in demonstration of its support for Palestine. Hatem Maher and Muhammed Al Gebaly report for Reuters.

    The vice president of Yemen’s United Nations-recognized government said it warned the United States about the Houthi dangers but “they didn’t do anything.” Major General Aidarus al-Zubaidi said he met with American and British officials at the U.N. General Assembly in September and informed them that the Iran-backed group was rearming during a fighting pause in its longstanding war with a coalition led by Saudi Arabia. Keir Simmons and Natasha Lebedeva report for NBC News.

    and this:

    A Houthi-launched anti-ship ballistic missile struck a U.S.-owned container ship Monday in the Red Sea, U.S. Central Command announced.

    The Houthis launched the ballistic missile at M/V Gibraltar Eagle, which is U.S.-owned and operated but sailed under a Marshall Islands flag, according to Central Command’s release.

    Gibraltar Eagle is owned by Eagle Bulk Shipping, according to the company’s website, which lists the ship as part of its fleet. The ship did not report any damage or injuries from the Houthi missile, according to the Central Command release.

    Although the Houthis had said they would attack any ship that is connected to Israel, either because it came from or went to the country or it was affiliated with an Israeli business. Senior Houthi official Nasr al-Din Amer told BBC that it will now attack any American-affiliated ship.

    On Monday, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued a warning for commercial ships that plan to sail through the Red Sea.

    “While the decision to transit remains at the discretion of individual vessels and companies, it is recommended that U.S. flag and U.S. owned commercial vessels remain North of 18N in the Red Sea or East of 46E in the Gulf of Aden until further notice,” reads the warning."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Tuesday Russia-Ukraine update:
    "Ukraine said it shot down a Russian A-50 spy plane and an Il-22 command post aircraft in the area of the Sea of Azov. Army chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi praised Ukraine’s Air Force saying it had “perfectly planned and executed” the operation. Natalia Humeniuk, the spokesperson for Ukraine’s southern military command, told a briefing that Russia had used the plane extensively to prepare for and conduct long-range missile strikes on Ukraine. “We expect such a strike [on the A-50] to be fairly painful and, at least, to delay powerful missile strikes,” she said.
    Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi, Ukraine’s number two military commander, said the country’s troops were on “active defence” against the Russians who were pressing in multiple directions along the eastern front with the aim of wresting full control of the industrial Donbas region despite heavy losses in men and supplies. Russia was also hoping to claw back ground it lost in the southern Kherson and Zaporizhia regions, he added. “Our goals remain unchanged: holding our positions… exhausting the enemy by inflicting maximum losses,” Syrskyi told the Reuters news agency in an interview.
    Russia’s Defence Ministry said air defence systems destroyed three Ukraine-launched Tochka-U missiles over southwest Russia’s Kursk region. There were no reports of damage. The Tochka-U is a short-range ballistic missile.
    Switzerland agreed yesterday to host a global peace summit at the request of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Switzerland has previously acted as a broker to resolve conflicts and could help resolve the war that began with Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. “Further details are now being worked out,” the Swiss government said, with Zelenskyy keen for China to take part in the summit. John Revill reports for Reuters.
    The southern Russian city of Voronezh declared a state of emergency today after a Ukrainian drone attack wounded a six-year-old boy and a young girl, officials said.Russia’s defense ministry said it destroyed five Ukrainian drones over the region, with three more being intercepted. Reuters reports."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    What our military is doing in the name of Freedom of the Seas (think commerce) and more-

    Navy SEALS conduct daring raid in Arabian Sea

    The U.S. military seized Iranian ballistic missile componentsoff the coast of Somalia from a small boat headed to the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

    © AP

    The nighttime raid saw SEALS descending from helicopters onto a small sailing boat known as a dhow to capture 14 crewmembers and the weapons parts.

    U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander Gen. Michael Kurilla said Tuesday the raid indicates Iran "continues shipment of advanced lethal aid to the Houthis."

    This is yet another example of how Iran actively sows instability throughout the region," Kurilla said.

    The weapons on board included air defense components and warheads for medium-range ballistic missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles.

    Two Navy SEALS who were part of the covert mission went missing last week when boarding a combat operations craft.

    One soldier fell into rough waters and another jumped in after him, with the search for the SEALS continuing.

    The raid comes as tensions continue to flare up across the Middle East amid the Israel-Hamas war

    The Iranian-backed Houthi rebels are continuing to target merchant ships and U.S. forces in the Red Sea, even after destructive American-led strikes in Yemen. 

    On Tuesday, the U.S. carried out another strike on the Houthis, destroying four Houthi anti-ship ballistic missiles.

    "These missiles were prepared to launch from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and presented an imminent threat to both merchant and U.S. Navy ships in the region," CENTCOM said.

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    edited January 17
    Wednesday Israel-Hamas update:
    "Qatar has brokered a deal between Israel and Hamas that will allow medicines to be delivered to Israeli hostages in Gaza in exchange for the delivery of humanitarian aid and medicines to Palestinian civilians. The aid will leave Doha today and head to Gaza through Egypt, although no timeline for the delivery was provided. Tara John and Eyad Kourdi report for CNN.

    Israeli forces are moving toward the largest hospital in Khan Younis, prompting many patients and sheltering Gazans to flee, according to medical staff working at the hospital and local journalists. Multiple videos show dozens of people carrying mattresses and babies as they leave the Al Nasser hospital. Kareem Khadder, Abeer Salman, Alex Marquardt and Hamdi Alkhshali report for CNN.

    Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said yesterday it could recognize Israel if a comprehensive agreement was reached that included statehood for Palestinians. Maha El Dahan reports for Reuters."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    edited January 17
    Wednesday Houthis update:

    "The United States carried out a military strike against Houthi ballistic missiles in Yemen yesterday, the U.S. military said, as the Houthis fired missiles at passing ships for the third day in a row. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said, “We’re not looking for a war; we’re not looking to expand this. We will continue to defend against them and counter them as appropriate.” Eric Schmitt and Saeed Al-Batati report for the New York Times.

    The Houthis “directly hit” a Greek-owned bulk vessel sailing from Vietnam to Israel yesterday, inflicting minor damage to the vessel, Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Sarea said. The incident came as the U.S. military announced it had seized Iranian-supplied weapons sent to the Houthis last week. Kathryn Armstrong reports for BBC News.

    A team of Navy SEALS that lost two sailors while searching a small boat off the Somali coast later found Iranian missiles bound for the Houthis, the U.S. Central Command said yesterday. CENTCOM added that the arms discovered by the SEALs were the same types of weaponry used by the Houthis in their Red Sea attacks. A search and rescue mission continues for the two SEALs who disappeared last Thursday. Courtney Kube and Alexander Smith report for NBC News.

    British oil major Shell has suspended all shipments through the Red Sea due to the Houthis’ ongoing attacks, according to people familiar with the decision. Benoit Faucon and Jenny Strasburg report for the Wall Street Journal."

    Edit to add the following link which expands on the potential impact to shipping:


    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Wednesday Russia-Ukraine update:

    "Russian President Vladimir Putin said yesterday that Ukraine’s statehood could suffer an “irreparable blow” if the war continued, saying Russia would never be forced to abandon the gains it has made. Putin’s comments came a day after Switzerland agreed to host a global peace summit at the request of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, which Putin dismissed as “so-called peace formulas” with “prohibitive demands.” Reuters reports.

    Two Russian missiles struck a residential area in Ukraine’s second city Kharkiv yesterday, injuring 17 people and damaging homes, according to local officials. Reuters reports.

    Officials in the southern Russian city of Voronezh declared a “state of emergency” after air defences shot down five alleged Ukrainian drones. Two children were injured. There were no other reports of casualties or damage. The city of more than 1 million people lies some 250km (155 miles) from the border with Ukraine and hosts a military air base.

    In an emotional speech to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged his country’s allies to tighten sanctions against Russia and step up their support for Kyiv to ensure that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not succeed in his war. Zelenskyy said Western hesitation was costing time and lives and could prolong the fighting by years.

    United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken promised sustained US support for Ukraine in a meeting with Zelenskyy, despite right-wing Republicans in the US Congress blocking new funding in a dispute over US border policy."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    And this from Politico:

    Why the World Is Betting Against American Democracy

    Ambassadors to Washington warn that the GOP-Democratic divide is endangering America’s national security.

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz presides over a summit in Berlin

    Foreign diplomats are aghast that so many U.S. leaders let their zeal for partisan politics prevent the basic functions of government. | Liesa Johannssen/AP

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Thursday Israel-Hamas Update:

    "Israel has withdrawn thousands of troops from Gaza following pressure from the United States to transition to a more surgical phase in the war, a decision that has left some Israeli officials concerned that the country will be vulnerable to renewed militant activity. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said yesterday that “this war is continuing and will continue until the end, until we have hit all our goals.” Thomas Grove and Carrie Keller-Lynn report for the Wall Street Journal.

    The Gaza Strip experienced a sixth consecutive day of a near-total communications blackout yesterday, leaving civilians unable to call for help and aid workers struggling to reach them as Israeli air strikes continued in the south. The territory’s largest telecommunications company, Paltel, said the blackout is the longest of several Gaza has experienced since the war broke out, this time arising due to damaged infrastructure in the city of Khan Younis. Anushka Patil and Adam Rasgon report for the New York Times.

    Medicines and aid for Palestinians and Israeli hostages have entered the Gaza Strip, a spokesperson for the Qatari foreign ministry confirmed in a post on X.  Two Qatari military aircraft carried 61 tons of aid, provided by France and Qatar, into Egypt on Wednesday. Jennifer Hauser reports for CNN.

    The chairman of the Palestinian Investment Fund, a state-owned corporation overseen by the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank, estimated at the World Economic Forum yesterday that it would cost at least $15 billion to rebuild destroyed housing units in the Gaza Strip. Jordyn Holman and Gaya Gupta report for the New York Times.

    Iran’s foreign minister yesterday blamed the United States and Israel for escalating regional tensions, saying that if Israel ended its war in Gaza, tensions on the border with Lebanon and in the Red Sea would fall. Matthew Mpoke Bigg reports for the New York Times."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Thursday Red Sea-Houthis update:
    Latest from the area-

    US military launches more strikes against Houthi sites in Yemen

    The Houthis confirmed the latest round of U.S. airstrikes in Yemen yesterday, saying, “The American-British aggression renewed its targeting of a number of Yemeni governorates.” The group also asserted that the “operations” of its “naval forces in the Red and Arabian Seas will continue to target Israeli ships linked to the enemy entity.” The remarks  follow the United States redesignating the Houthis as a specially designated global terrorist entity yesterday. Jonny Hallam reports for CNN."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    Thursday Russia-Ukraine update:

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for some of the frozen Russian assets seized by global banks to be sent to rebuild Ukraine. Speaking at the World Economic Forum yesterday, Zelenksyy said, “They destroyed Ukraine…if we have $300bn of Russia assets we have to use them directly to rebuild what has been destroyed by Russian missiles.” The G7 group is considering seizing only the rise in value and interest due since the assets were frozen in 2020. Faisal Islam reports for BBC News.

    Russia launched 33 drones and two missiles at Ukraine overnight, with Kyiv’s air defenses destroying 22 drones, the Ukrainian military said todayReuters reports.

    Authorities in the northeastern Ukrainian region of Kharkiv urged more than 3,000 residents of more than two dozen villages near the front line to evacuate because of Russian attacks in the area.

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.
  • lousubcap
    lousubcap Posts: 33,547
    edited January 19
    Friday Israel-Hamas update:

    "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday rebuffed U.S. calls for a post-war peace process that would lead to Palestinian statehood, “in any arrangement in the foreseeable future — with an arrangement or without one — Israel must have security control over all the territory west of the Jordan,” he said. “This clashes with the idea of sovereignty. What can you do?” Netanyahu added, “I told this truth to our friends, the Americans, and I also blocked the attempt to impose a reality that would harm Israel’s security.” Aaron Boxerman reports for the New York Times.

    Israeli President Isaac Herzog outlined a broad vision for the Middle East after the Gaza war, including rebuilding the territory, promoting dialogue between Israel and Palestinians, and normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia. Cristiana Moisescu reports for CNN.

    A member of Israel’s war cabinet criticized the prime minister and urged a longer ceasefire with Hamas while stating that Israel had yet to fully realize its military objectives in Gaza, exposing the deep internal divisions in the government. Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot said that Netanyahu carries “sharp and clear” responsibility for Israel’s failure to protect citizens on Oct. 7 and that Israel’s leaders must define a vision for how to wind down the war. Nadav Gavrielov, Aaron Boxerman, and Adam Rasgon report for the New York Times.

    A near-total communications blackout in Gaza has now lasted one week with no signs of abating. A U.N. official said it is “almost impossible” to carry out humanitarian work and emergency services in the territory. Mick Krever, Sana Noor Haq, Eyad Kourdi and Celine Alkhaldi report for CNN.

    The Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States said at the World Economic Forum yesterday that any future normalization agreement with Israel would be conditioned on a ceasefire in Gaza and the creation of a pathway toward Palestinian statehood. Barak Ravid reports for Axios."

    Edit to add the following:

    "Netanyahu’s comments apparently rejecting a Palestinian state contradict President Biden’s stated position, who has long advocated for a two-state solution. U.S. officials said yesterday that Israel’s apparent dismissal of the idea would not deter them from pressing their Israeli counterparts on the matter. A senior administration official added that Netanyahu has reversed on his hardline positions before, and that his statement Thursday was not necessarily final. Kevin Liptak, Lauren Izso, Jennifer Hansler, Jorge Engels, and Sugam Pokharel report for CNN.

    National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby reacted to Netanyahu’s comments yesterday, saying, “We believe that the Palestinians have every right to live in an independent state with peace and security. And the President and his team is going to continue to work on that.” 

    There is “no way to solve [Israel’s] long-term challenges to provide lasting security, and there is no way to solve the short-term challenges of rebuilding Gaza and establishing governance in Gaza, and providing security for Gaza, without the establishment of a Palestinian state,” Matthew Miller said at a news briefing yesterday. Simon Lewis and Humeyra Pamuk report for Reuters."

    Louisville; Rolling smoke in the neighbourhood. # 38 for the win.  Life is too short for light/lite beer!  Seems I'm livin in a transitional period.