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Christmas Eve cook: butterball turkey and SRF ham!

JacksDad Posts: 538
edited December 2016 in Poultry
Got the egg up and going early today, so it's ready to go. More pics to follow! That little piece of ham cost more than three times as much as the Costco turkey! 

Large BGE -- New Jersey


  • Waiting to see the pics... good luck!!
    Charlotte, NC - Large BGE 2014, Maverick ET 733, Thermopen, Nest, Platesetter, Woo2 and Extender w/Grid, Kick Ash Basket, Pizza Stone, SS Smokeware Cap, Blackstone 36"
  • Since I have been married we have done Lasagna on Christmas Eve. with Italian Sausage and Garlic Bread. That's what happens when you marry an Italian. Christmas Day it will be a Ham!
  • JacksDad
    JacksDad Posts: 538

    Decided to skip the ham, partly because the MIL ordered a lot of food  already, and partly because there's not much room on the egg! Turkey moving along quickly...

    Large BGE -- New Jersey

  • JacksDad
    JacksDad Posts: 538

    As a newbie, this was my first turkey on the egg. Definitely will not be the last! This was about the easiest cook ever. Just over 3 hours for a 16 lb bird at dome temp of about 325. Dinner was delayed, but it stayed piping hot and moist under foil for more than two hours. Nothing but compliments from the peanut gallery. Another win for the BGE! 

    Ham to follow in a couple days...

    Merry Christmas everyone! 

    Large BGE -- New Jersey