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Big green Egg Unsightly?

edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Okay Guys here one for you. Yesterday I got a letter from my condo owners assoc. that stated that my "grill" was unsightly and needed to be stored out of sight! My Egg has been next to my garage in an table for 9 months. Yeah to say the least I was a little ticked off! I am looking into it and plan on asking them how the expect me to move the egg and table, about 500lbs,in and out of my garage everytime I use it. Anyone else had this problem?


  • Ironic, because many condo developments are architectural monstrosities that would make Ole Kirk Christiansen turn in his grave.

    You need to fight this. Either that, or put wheels on your egg table. Don't be a martyr - that 72 virgin thing after death that everyone is talking about is a myth.

    But seriously though, first rule about condo ownership is get on Condo association committee. Do that and change the rules from the inside.
  • Photo Egg
    Photo Egg Posts: 12,115
    Put wheels on your table. It will move easy.
    No more problem.
    Thank you,

    Galveston Texas
  • Did you read the association rules carefully? Sounds like a pretty discretionary ruling on their part, however, most of those rule books are fairly draconian, & assuming that they are in the 'right' by asking you to store the egg out of sight, sounds like you've got a problem only wheels on the table can solve, Marc
  • EatMoeQ
    EatMoeQ Posts: 18
    Good luck fighting your condo owners assoc. They are notorious for being unyielding and look at the big picture, do you really need the frustration of dealing with big fish in small pond egos?

    An easy solution would be to install heavy duty casters on your table. Easy roll in, easy roll out. Everybody happy.
  • chrisnjenn
    chrisnjenn Posts: 534
    That is funny, Tweev-tip.

    The condo association should be proud to have someone with enough class to own a BGE. It should raise the property of values of the other condos just by the smell of the great food coming from it. I guess you won't be volunteering to BBQ at the annual neighborhood BBQ this year.

    Seriously, I would question them on this, but if they are adamant in their decision it would be hard to fight them on it. Some of these home owners associations (mine is tough on some rules and lenient on others--makes no sense to me) are pretty tough on how they do things. I understand why they do it, but sometimes they go overboard.

    Good luck.
  • Hoss
    Hoss Posts: 14,600
    I would move.No way I could live around a bunch of freaks like that.
  • I just re-read my post. Scary what not enough sleep and too much coffee will do. Yikes.

    Hopefully the head of the condo association isn't this woman: She is LOCO!

  • I live in a private lake development with a POA and they made me get rid of my free range chickens and my goat "Chewy" that I kept tied to a cement block in the back yard, but so far, they haven't had any problems with the eggs.
  • jeffinsgf
    jeffinsgf Posts: 1,259
    Is the association asking all the gassers be put away after use, too? If not, tell them to take a flying leap.
  • This is why I hate homeowner/condo/neighborhood associations. Why did we ever decide that it's a good idea to have to ask your neighbors for permission before planting flowers, erecting a shed, installing a screen door? (ok, I get the screendoor thing, the COA owns the exterior of the building, but still) Why do my neighbors have the right to assess a $25 fine for not bringing my garbage can in from the curb before 6pm, when that's a city ordinance, and I can also be fined by the city? Sadly, all new homes (really, anything built in the last 10-20 years) in our area are part of homeowners associations. We're effectively creating another layer of government; Federal/State/County/Local/Neighborhood. Sorry to gripe on your thread, but I really hate HOAs.
  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,965
    OK - put it on wheels so you can wheel it into your garage risking burning down the whole condo :laugh: ...OTOH I guess that wouldn't be a good thing to tell them!
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    maybe you could just have a cover made for it :) i could never live in a condo :laugh: usually these associations come down hard and then nothing happens, ive got an old scout parked at work on some condo land, someone complains about it once a year and then it goes away for another year, the scout hasnt run in ten years or so but i figure it gives them something to complain about :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • PhilsGrill
    PhilsGrill Posts: 2,256
    Put a cover over it! It is out of sight. Problem solved.
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    its getting worse, i see towns doing the same thing now, a ritzy town in the lakes region here now has a ban on boats being visible from the road, even if its in your own back yard. another town i was in has a ban on leaving your car running while running into the store for a coffee, something thats pretty common up north when its cold is now a 50 dollar fine
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • sharhamm
    sharhamm Posts: 258
    Will they let you just put a cover on it?
    Wish we had a strict enforcement where I live. Neighbors place is a dump with non working atv's, broken lawn equipment, disassembled non working cars. This is within a village with zoning officiers that don't do their jobs. I would gladly roll my eggs in and out if we had stricter enforcement here.
  • deepsouth
    deepsouth Posts: 1,796
    on the up side, you are allowed to have an egg... we have three condos in gulf breeze, fl and the condo association only allows electric grills.....
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    are you my neighbor..... :laugh: wait, i dont own any lawn equipment :ermm: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: fortunately there is an abandoned house on my street which gathers the attention of the worst lawn in the neighborhood, im dead meat if the city ever does anything about it, guy pays his taxes but its literally abandoned, until then all stares go his way
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • They surely must consider anything other than posh deck furniture unsightly. I suppose you are lucky they don't ban it because it makes smoke. You probably have a napoleonic vegan on the that board.
    The Naked Whiz
  • 61chev
    61chev Posts: 539
    Make him up a batch of ribs or brisket invite him over for a beer I"ll bet he says it's lookin better all the time
  • Hitch
    Hitch Posts: 402
    First of all, the whole 72 virgin thing may or may not be a myth, but no one ever said what gender the virgins would be, so I ain't takin any chances.

    Personally, I would cook for em and plate up somethin' awesome. Gently ask em who complained (cause that is why they are bringin it up), and then cook for them too.

    When it all comes down to it, put some serious wheels on that table. Industrial strength castors are nice, but don't work as well as these. This is from my work egg table that stays locked in my warehouse when we aren't using it during the day.

  • tach18k
    tach18k Posts: 1,607
    get a cover for it
  • stevesails
    stevesails Posts: 990
    Install a 6 foot satelite dish. FCC rules override everyone and put the egg behind it.

    but put some wheels on it. and then make sure everyone else in the developement is opeying ALL rules, if not make sure they get the same kind of letter and make the changes to conform. such as yard decorations, plastic butterflies, windmills, birdfeeders, chairs on the front porch, all that kind of stuff.
    XL   Walled Lake, MI

  • Thanks for all the replies! I re read the condo rules this morning and I could not find anything that addresses this issue. I am sure it is burried in some sub section on page 159. LOL I have not been able to contact them and ask the questions because the contact person does not return my phone calls. I have considered putting wheels on it but rollling it ia and out everyday is bound to cause problems. You guys have given me some good ideas I will ask about a cover or potted plants in front of it to hide it if they ever call me back.
  • Before I got a cover, I used to wheel mine in and out of the garage. Unfortunately, there was too much level change and the Egg would wobble a great deal, moving it around within the table. Feet got chipped and I got a cover.
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    Can you post a pic of your rig? A lot of eggers here have some really attractive setups in outdoor kitchens, so it may be your table/nest as opposed to the Egg itself. If so, you might be able to convince the missus that a nice, big table will solve the conflict :woohoo:
  • danny285
    danny285 Posts: 360
    Time to move out where you can use your egg and enjoy life, life is to short
  • Lol, now THAT'S making lemonade.
  • Reminds me of a call I got a couple years ago after booking 3 condo's at a golf resort. Apparently the condo owner's association got a cheaper insurance policy if they banned all grills. The booking agent called to let me know about the new rule, and I informed her to look for alternative condo's as we have a steak cookout every year during our golf weekend. She said the would talk to the coa's president and see what he could do. She called back about an hour later saying a weber type grill would be ok. Turns out that the owner of the 3 units we rented was the coa president and he didn't want to lose the rental income.....
  • Mud Pig
    Mud Pig Posts: 489
    I guarantee there is a section about grills in your condo association guidelines so I would start there. I've known of two people that were told that there grills were unsitely, but fought it on the grounds that grills are allowed on their property based on the guidelines.

    Lets be honest, the big green egg is pretty amazing looking. Whether you think its amazingly cool looking or amazingly ugly, its still amazing so it will draw interest from people. I just bought a house back in December and one of my concerns was whether or not there was a neighborhood convenant or association with a lot of rules. Thankfully there isn't one. Within a week of moving in I had a firepit roaring in the back and a smelly old gas grill pumping out steaks.

    I can only imagine getting a letter for a place that I'm suppose to own telling me that my pride and joy was unsitely. Fight the power on this one. Some condo buildings/neighborhood associations have banned grills entirely cause some old fart doesn't like the smell of flavor. Don't let it slide sir.
  • Ripnem
    Ripnem Posts: 5,511
    Did Chewy meet 'Smokey'? :laugh:

    Free range yard birds....now that's funny