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Whatchu cookin this weekend?

Frank from Houma
Frank from Houma Posts: 5,755
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Got two SILs coming to visit next week so I'm doing some pre-eggin

Duck and andoille gumbo (my ducks don't have bird shot in them) :)

Cut up the ducks
Put some smoke on the parts that aren't going in the gumbo - like the back and breast bone
Make a stock for the gumbo with the smoked parts

Also have a turkey thawing in the fridge to smoke - going to inject the breast with some genuine Canadian Maple Syrup then put some HOOCHIE MAMA rub and smoke with Sugar Maple wood.


  • pattikake
    pattikake Posts: 1,175
    Sounds good, on Sunday probably pizza.

    Wichita, KS
  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    12 pork butts and 4 briskets.
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    Just a 14# brisket and a pair of butts on my menu this weekend.

    I like your idea better
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    Mmmmm, sounds great Frank! That andoille has great marbling! Enjoy your company and food creations!!
    I know for sure, peach cobbler. After that, it's a guess. Pretty sure you'll see tomorrow. :)
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • Little Steven
    Little Steven Posts: 28,817

    You kill me with this stuff. Andouille ahhhh.



    Caledon, ON


  • Do not know what I am doing but I want to come to your house
  • pci
    pci Posts: 249
    My first butt goes on in the am. The egg is set up just need to get up early & get it going. Will try & post some pictures.
  • rsmdale
    rsmdale Posts: 2,472
    My ducks always come w/ pinfeathers how do I shoot the ones with orange sauce?I need a different duck call.That looks like some great gumbo gonna be happening.


  • Grumpa
    Grumpa Posts: 861
    I got me a 6 lb brisket flat in the fridge waiting to go in the BGE come morning B)
  • TNmike
    TNmike Posts: 643
    I didn't know ducks came with no shot in them. :laugh: Ya'll must have a trapping method I'm not aware of. ;) Mike
  • Eggsakley
    Eggsakley Posts: 1,019
    Sounds delish.Wish Corpus wasnt so far away.There just might be some left-overs out of all that. Am tryin my first pastrami off Third Eyes site. Any advice would be appreciated. :)
  • Carolina Q
    Carolina Q Posts: 14,831
    My kinda guy! I try to get up early too. That way, I don't have to worry about getting up in the middle of the night, which is virtually impossible for me anyway.

    Next time, I think I'm going to try stabilizing at 250° before I go to bed, but not put the butt on. :) When I get up in the morning, hopefully, all I'll have to do it throw the butt onto an already stabilized egg.

    As for this weekend? Who knows? I didn't know what I was having TONIGHT until about 7PM when I decided on...


    Pearls!! Really, really good!!! :)

    I hate it when I go to the kitchen for food and all I find are ingredients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Central Connecticut 

  • :laugh: There was a whole flock of them at HEB - I snuck up on em :laugh:

    Never could hit the side of a barn - finally found out why when getting tested for lasik surgery. I'm right handed and left eye dominate. :blink:
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    I say, follow Wayne's advice and trust yo self!
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    What time should Mary and I be there?
  • BBQbadge
    BBQbadge Posts: 35
    Going to try my first pastrami this weekend. Have the soaked/rinsed corned beef all seasoned and resting overnight in the fridge...will fire the egg up around 6am in hopes of having it ready for lunch!
  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    I'm gonna cook both Saturday and Sunday, just not sure what. I'm all about cooking what's on sale. :)
  • Crimsongator
    Crimsongator Posts: 5,797
    You mean no duck picking this weekend? I thought that is what wives were for.
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    An 8 pound and a 6.5 pound butt going on in about 20 minutes. Figuring at precisely 1.753 hours per pound then they should be done .... well .... tomorrow. Just doing it because I'm out of PP and need to stock the freezer.

    Sunday I'm doing the fast cook brisket. Dunno why, other than it intrigues me to try it.
  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    Make sure to put the plate setter in before it gets up to temp. Give us a shout out if you need help.
  • Little Steven
    Little Steven Posts: 28,817
    I want to try a fast brisket too.



    Caledon, ON


  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    I don't use plate setters.

    But seriously, would it kill the folks at Smithfield to put a pair of butts that are reasonably close to the same weight in their twin packs?
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    Most people that try it swear by it, so I've been intrigued enough to give it a rip.

    Worst case I end up with a ton of chopped meat for chili and stew.
  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    Maybe it's a shoulder.
  • Beli
    Beli Posts: 10,751
    Just Fired my XL for the first time....guests started to arrive....pics later
  • Little Steven
    Little Steven Posts: 28,817
    I think Thirdeye and Max are pretty discretionary with brisket and they like it. Good enough for me. I love cooking long low and slows but really want to try it. E tu?



    Caledon, ON


  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    I'm on board with hot/fast briskey as well.
  • Little Steven
    Little Steven Posts: 28,817

    Ae they as good as low and slow?



    Caledon, ON


  • Bacchus
    Bacchus Posts: 6,019
    With the ones I have cooked yes.

    Brisket was part of my pre-egg repetoire, and they were always great. I never had a smoker with a thermometer until the egg. So, in retrospect I was cooking way hotter than 250ish I'm convinced. Butts were done in 8 hours or so also. I never cooked anything 12-15 hours until getting an egg and paying attention to temps. But that is definately not a bad thing. On the Egg, I did a few briskets at 250 and they were dry and tough. With the hot/fast method, which Ive done on the egg a couple times now they have been great.

    But that's just me....
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    I've got 42 pounds of butt and 120 burgers to do for a swim team party on Sunday.