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Teriyaki Flank Steaks

Gator Bait
Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I had never cooked or eaten flank steak so when I saw some marked down in Sam's yesterday I figured it was about time. Two large flank steaks weighed in at 4.36 pounds. They were a bit large for my medium egg so to simplify life I cut the steaks in half, not only would they fit the egg better but it made them much more uniform in thickness so they would cook better. I trimmed any thicker membrane and a little fat leaving most of what little fat there was for flavor. ;)

Next I combined and mixed well:

2 C Kikkoman Teriyaki Sauce
3/4 C Dark Brown Sugar
3 T Texas Pete Garlic Hot Sauce
1 T Onion Powder
1 T Garlic Powder
3 T Gulden's Spicy Brown Mustard
1 T ground Black Pepper


With the marinade complete I injected it into the flank steaks until I wondered if they could possibly hold any more. I went over each piece of steak four or more times throughly. I have played with injections before and have never gotten a heck of a lot of flavor out of them, they tend to be very subtle so this time I was trying to push it to the max. With that done I placed the steaks in a large plastic bag and poured the remainder of the marinade over them and sealed them up tight for 24 hours in the frig.

This afternoon . . . that's this afternoon, :lol:


about 4:00PM I loaded the BGE to the top of the fire ring with fresh lump and generous handfuls of Jack Daniels wood chips mixed in. Following thirdeye's lead from an earlier post of his I set the grid high and dome temp around 450º to 500º and started with the thinest steak. This would allow my fire to mature by the time I put the thicker steaks on.


I wasn't going for grill marks but shot for an internal temperature of between 120º and 125º, turning once. When they were all cooked I let them rest under foil before I sliced thin across the grain at an angle.


I couldn't ask for them to come out any better! Tender, moist and juicy. Bursting with flavor from every atom. LOL. They are on the salty side from the Teriyaki sauce. I don't know if you could cut that by adding some white wine or something to the marinade. I like salt and don't find them to salty but some people will. They are not hot, the hot sauce gives them just a little bit of heat. All the ingredients balanced very well. It reminds me of the Teriyaki Beef skewers you get at a Chinese restaurant.




  • Unknown

    Reminds me of the tri-tip I just had for dinner. You have many, many sandwiches in your future :)
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    You hit the nail on the head Blair!! Looks terrific!! Try wine., or cut back on the teri. Was that a pre saline solution product to begin with? Thinking out loud.
    Nice pics!
    Be well hobbles. :)
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Yup and will enjoy every one of them. :lol:

    Some of this is destined for the freezer, that's a lot of beef.


  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Thanks Molly, I was wondering if a Sake or Mirin or some other Japanese wine might do the trick. I have not had any experience with them so I may have to experiment. A lot! Maybe a little rice vinegar might add to the party. LOL, there's plenty of room to play with here. It came out very well for off the cuff. My camera has been on vacation, I need to put it back to work.


  • Hoss
    Hoss Posts: 14,600
    YOU WIN!!! Yummee lookin eats! ;)
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Thanks Hoss, I'm glad I tried the flank steaks, I think I like them better than skirt steaks. These seam more tender. They are definitely worth playing with. :cheer:


  • berrygood
    berrygood Posts: 372
    Great lookin flank, Gator. I have it almost once a week, and you did a fine job cooking them. Generally, I'm not a teriyaki fan, but I almost always marinate the flank in it. It works, and you proved it.
  • Marc  from IL
    Marc from IL Posts: 499
    I have been tearing these things up... Flank steak is off the hook... Man so much flavor...
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Thanks Jeremy, I like the teriyaki but plan on other marinades to experiment with. Italian dressing would be interesting, it may be next. :)


  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    I agree with you Marc, I'm going to be having flank steaks on a regular basis I think.


  • Little Chef
    Little Chef Posts: 4,725
    Gator...That looks very delicious!! Flank steak has such great flavor on it's own, and that injection sounds like a winner! Nicely done! (Bet it won't be the last time you buy flank....lol)
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Hey LC, Thanks, I'm just learning about flank steaks. I was pleasantly surprised at how good they taste and how tender they are. I wish I had tried them a long time ago. :cheer: I'm already thinking what I can do next. Do you have a favorite flank recipe you can share?


  • 2Fategghead
    2Fategghead Posts: 9,624
    They look delicious Gator. I could pull up a chair and eat them all gone. :P Tim
  • Little Chef
    Little Chef Posts: 4,725
    Gator...I use flank a lot for tacos, or fajitas. And seriously....all I do is season liberally with kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper, crushed fresh garlic, the juice of half a lime on each side, and about 1T EVOO per side. Into a zip lock for an hour, and good to grill! If I don't feel like tacos, I just serve it with a simple Chimmichurri and rice. Good stuff!! :)
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Thanks LC, sounds good and like many great recipes simple is best. I will give those a try.


  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Thanks Tim, that would almost be worth seeing! LOL, thats a lot of beef there but I know what you mean. It's almost like Pig Candy. :lol:


  • Susan Egglaine
    Susan Egglaine Posts: 2,437
    Nice job! Those look great! I do not think I have ever cooked a flank steak,done lots of flat irons. I would think it would be a similar cook. Will give yours a try. ;)
  • Capt Frank
    Capt Frank Posts: 2,578
    That looks really great Gator :) Next time you might want to try "Dales Sauce" instead of the Teriyaki, it is a soy based sauce that come in a low sodium version. I have been using it on most things beef for years, the nice tick cut pork chop too.
    I have bookmarked your cook, will try it soon., thanks for posting :P

    Capt Frank
    Homosassa, FL
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,887
    looks great,lots of things you can do with flank, wish they didnt cost so much up here, sometimes they are almost twice the cost of ribeye. ive done the terryaki skewers, much better off the egg than at the chinese place and they are a 1 minute cook B)
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Hi Susan, Thanks, flat irons would be new to me. My budget likes me to buy my meat at Sam's so the selection is limited but good. I was nibbling on some of this last night after it had chilled in the frig and it is wonderful. I could have sat down to another meal all over again. I would love to hear other opinions. :cheer:


  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Hi Capt. Frank, Thanks, I will have to look for Dales Sauce, sounds interesting. When I mention the saltiness of these it is a Teriyaki salty as you would expect them to have. I don't need any table salt on these but my taste do not find it offensive. Some people on a special diet or more sensitive to salt then I am might think other wise. I cooked for many years for many peoples tastes and the biggest challenge is getting it right for everybody. ;)


  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Thanks fishlessman, I wonder why flank cost so much up there? These were marked down for a quick sale as their date was coming up and the 4.36 pounds were $20 and a little change. They had been marked down from $5.93 a pound. I think Sam's rib eye's down here have been going for about $6.89, very cheap. The supermarkets sell rib eyes for about twice that. I don't even look at meat in the supermarkets any more, the sticker shock is to great.

    I haven't had Teriyaki Beef skewers in many, many years. They used to be my favorite item at the Chinese restaurants, good ones are addictive.


  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,887
    they were 8.99 a pound last winter which is the last time i bought them. havent looked in a while. butcher near me slices them the hard way, pounds them flat and fills with spinach, basil, goat chees etc, rolls them up and slices them into thick pinwheels for steaks, really good stuff but it really ups the price. also good as brasciole stewed with tomatoes
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Gator Bait
    Gator Bait Posts: 5,244
    Sorry to hear the prices so high in good ol' New England. Now that you mention it I have seen the pinwheels. I'm in the habit of preparing everything I cook myself. It's an old habit and I'm to cheap to pay the mark up. I often like my way better and if I don't I don't have any one to blame but myself. :laugh:
    At one point I was thinking about using tomatoes, I am not familiar with brasciole but on looking it up it sounds interesting. I can see where flank steak could become one of my favorite cuts of meat. I wish I had tried it years ago.
