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Any1 try to print something from NakedWhiz site?

SomedayMommy Posts: 199
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
I'm the type that loves to print stuff out. For some reason, I like seeing stuff on paper. :blush:

I have been trying for awhile to print some stuff from the NakedWhiz site (I LOVE that site!), and I am having NO success without part of the lines missing. Is it intentional that it can't be printed?

Even if I shrink my margins and print it at 50% it still cuts off a lot at the end of the lines. It's like the lines are too long or something.

I wish the site was available in book form!


  • you trying to print the screen itself? the web page?

    going to cost you a pretty penny w/r/t black ink!

    well. aside from any copyright issues... if i wanted to print a web page, i might select what i want and drop it into a word document. then you can change colors if you need to (his text would probably come in all white, for example, and you just make it black).

    if you are trying to print from your browser, you should have some ability to preview the print and make adjustments that way too.

    again, i can't speak to the whiz's feelings w/r/t copying and printing his page
  • SomedayMommy
    Good point - I will wait to hear from him regarding this!

    And yes, I was trying to print from my browser. And it just wasn't working. If he lets me, then trying to drop it into Word is a great suggestion.

    I wish he would put it all in a book! I would buy a copy FOR SURE!
  • Hungry Celeste
    If you can look at it on-screen, then it's perfectly legal to print it out, even if it's copyrighted. As long as you're not distributing it, reproducing it, quoting from it without attribution, or using it for commercial purposes, etc, your desire to print it out & refer to it in the future are covered under the "fair use" doctrine.

    A different set of standards apply to recipes than to other forms of written work. Here's a link to the US Copyright office's basic explanation on recipe copyright: http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl122.html
  • SomedayMommy
    Thanks! If it weren't his site, I would go ahead and do it. Out of respect, I will see if it's ok with him. Thanks for the info!!
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 32,865
    works for me if i copy/paste to email and print from there
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Sooner Egg
    I've printed plenty of stuff from his site without any problem.....of course I know absolutely nothing about computers lmao :evil: :whistle:
  • Dimple's Mom
    I printed off Max's turkey recipe a couple times with no problem.
  • for the record, i'm not saying TNW would or wouldn't have any issue.

    as a separate discussion though, it's not entirely correct that "anything" on a screen is fair game under fair use.

    even a newspaper runs into limits when reproducing material under "fair use".

    in a very technical sense, you cannot rightfully print anything you see on the screen. of course you can in a practical sense, but you aren't necessarily legally permitted to (and again, i'm not saying TNW might be a hard-*ss about it. hahaha this is just speaking to your statement that anything on screen is ok under fair use).

    as an example, a newspaper took a dozen images off my website, posted them online, linked to them at full resolution in a slideshow, and made full res copies available for download. they were taken from my own website, but they are still under copyright, and their use fell outside the limitations of fair use.

    different than the whiz of course. but under your statement, it would be "fair use" to print my images at your house. it's not. but of course it's very hard to stop you, and damages would need to be determined by taking you to court...
  • The Naked Whiz
    I assure you, if I were smart enough to prevent people from printing web sites, I probably wouldn't be working a day job, LOL.

    I've no idea why you can't print. It isn't because of anything I do deliberately in the web page HTML.

    But to answer the burning question, "Is TNW a hard *ss?" it depends, LOL!! You may print all you like for your own use.

    Good luck!
    The Naked Whiz