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I cooked some'en: Pork loin &Little Smokies

JLOCKHART29 Posts: 5,897
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Did this Friday night and just getting around to posting. Been a long cold weekend but 1st the raws:

Just made a simple rub of brown sugar, ginger, pepreka, red pepper, chili powder and cracked black pepper the rubbed them down real good and let set for about 30 min-an hour toss on Egg indirect at 250 with plenty of presimmon wood for smoke.

Even though it was 27 when I got threw with a nice fire in the chemeka and coveralls on it was not really that bad. Only redeaming thing I have found out about the cold is a beer hugger is a waste of time!LOL

After about 2 1/2 hrs the internal temp was about 140-143 on the smaller one and I stuck the Little Smokies on while the bigger one came up to temp.


We ate part on one for chopped sandwitches, took one to a friends in La. to slice and the rest of the one we started on to my parents this afternoon.


On a more serious note many of you know Jake from the forum. Well last night we heard him flapping around in the bottom of his pen and when I checked on him he had pulled a few feathers from his chest. I have had Jake 23 years and he for no reason has "breasted" himself 2x in the past. Pull meat down to his breast bone before so I keep a hood that I put on him that keeps him from being able to pick at himself till the pin feathers come back. Once that happens I remove the hood and have no problem for years sometimes. I put the hood on him and with only a few feathers gone and a small scab knew it would heal quick and go on with it. This morning while getting ready for church wife called me in to the den and said the hood had cut his neck. When I looked it was not the hood it was where he had pulled the fleash down to his wing bone!!! The breast was just an after thought. As bad as it looks birds have an amazing ability to regenerate and unless a injury kills them quick will recover. This would heal fine but the hood rubs the open soar and with out the hood he goes to picking. I glued a inside of a sock around the lip of the hood to soften it and it is looking better. He's sitting on my shoulder right now as he loves the computer with the pretty lights and such. Just keep my little buddy in your prayers tonight. I'm sure he will be ok but it is a bad injury.



  • lowercasebill
    hope jake makes a speedy recovery ... i will remember him tonight...
  • cookn biker
    cookn biker Posts: 13,407
    Jake is being prayed for over here. Sorry to hear of this.
    Food looks awesome Dean!!
    Colorado Springs
    "Loney Queen"
    "Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
    Bill Bradley; American hall of fame basketball player, Rhodes scholar, former U.S. Senator from New Jersey
    LBGE, MBGE, SBGE , MiniBGE and a Mini Mini BGE
  • egret
    egret Posts: 4,173
    I'm very sorry to hear about Jake's problem! I always get a real kick out of seeing Jake perched on your glass looking over the great food you've prepared. I hope it goes well for Jake. He's a fine pet!
  • Gunnar
    Gunnar Posts: 2,307
    Best wishes for Jake....really didn't expect to see little smokies.
    LBGE      Katy (Houston) TX
  • arizonawildcat
    Hope Jake recovers well. Your food looks great!
  • Fluffyb
    Fluffyb Posts: 1,815
    Healing thoughts and prayers for Jake. Nice no carb eats!
  • Fingers crossed for Jake. I'm just an occasional guest here, but I've enjoyed your posts and enjoyed seeing Jake give his final seal of approval to good cooks.
  • Eggsakley
    Eggsakley Posts: 1,019
    Had an African Grey that would pluck himself bald as well. Sure can be frustrating. Best of luck any my prayers for Jake. I enjoy seeing him aat the dinner table on his glass. :)
  • Beanie-Bean
    Beanie-Bean Posts: 3,092
    Hey man, the pork loin looks really great! I hope that Jake has a speedy recovery. That injury on his neck looks pretty bad--good call with the sock to make the cone a bit easier to deal with.

    Hope that all is well up there and that you guys are keeping warm.
  • Never Summer
    I'll be thinking about Jake - always love how you include him in your posts. Amazing how the little guys can steal your heart, isn't it?

    All my best,

  • Little Chef
    Little Chef Posts: 4,725
    JL...Our best to Jake....He's practically your signature!!! :huh: Food looks great as always. ;)
  • NoVA Bill
    NoVA Bill Posts: 3,005

    Nice looking cook. Maybe the beer hugger would keep your hands warm. :)

    Best wishes to Jake.
  • Spring Hen
    Spring Hen Posts: 1,578
    Poor Jake. Could it be from the cold weather? Do birds get dry skin? I'll keep worrying about him until you tell me he is all well. I know you will be doing everything you can for him.

    Food looks great by the way :)
    Covington, Louisiana USA
  • vidalia1
    vidalia1 Posts: 7,092
    Jake will be in our thoughts and prayers....
  • Little Steven
    Little Steven Posts: 28,817

    Nice cooks. Sorry about Jake. Hate it when you have to put those cones on pets. Bear has a thyroid problem and if we mess up his medication he scratches off all his fur on his sides. Then we put one of those on him and he runs into everything in the house for weeks. Hopefully Jake will recover quick.



    Caledon, ON


    JLOCKHART29 Posts: 5,897
    Just a quick update on Jake. He is still eating and drinking and the injury looks better this morning. Little #$%*% managed to get his beak down inside the cone and pull part of the sock off but it didn't rest on the injury at least. Will have to take it apart while wife watches him and rebuild it. There is actuall a hole in the shoulder you can see wing tindon down that will have to close before I am happy but eack day is a good sighn. Judy I have no idea why he does tthis. Birds that are board or not properly feed will but he is neather. Seed, fruit, vegs ect and at least 7 to 8 hours of free flight time in the house with me or my wife since she'd a house wife. Birds can not stand for things to be "out of place" If a feather gets messed up the pull it out. If the one next to it is also they pull it. Now they have a sore so they pick at it and it gets bigger so the fuss over it more and in an hour you have what Jake did. Thanks for all the prayers!
  • Florida Grillin Girl
    JL, the pork loin looks great. Sorry to hear about Jake, I hope he get's better real soon.

    Happily egging on my original large BGE since 1996... now the owner of 5 eggs. Call me crazy, everyone else does!
    3 Large, 1 Small, 1 well-used Mini
  • WokOnMedium
    WokOnMedium Posts: 1,376
    Thinking of Jake.
    BENTE Posts: 8,337
    thanks for the update!

    glad he is on the mend. i guess animils just do weird stuff :blink:

    happy eggin


    Anderson S.C.

    "Life is too short to be diplomatic. A man's friends shouldn't mind what he does or says- and those who are not his friends, well, the hell with them. They don't count."

    Tyrus Raymond Cobb

  • Cory430
    Cory430 Posts: 1,073
    Damn pets'll sure worry you sometimes. I'm glad to hear that he is doing better.

    The beer hugger is for keeping your hands from getting too cold in the winter.
  • FlaPoolman
    FlaPoolman Posts: 11,677
    Good to hear Jake is doing better. I know how you care for your pets.
  • Mainegg
    Mainegg Posts: 7,787
    So sorry to hear about Jake! Hope he is doing better!! pets are so important and it is funny how they really rule our lives. your posts just would not be the same with out him there. and my little dog did laugh when she saw the cone. she has one about the same size that she had to wear once and it is not fun.