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<Rant ON>

bitslammer Posts: 818
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Grrrr!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

I'm going to blow my top simply because my Egg won't keep it's top on! For the 3rd time in as man months the damn thing fell off while cooking. WHy can't we get a better design? Is it so much to ask that I should be able to open/close my Egg without the top falling off and breaking? I'm gentle, I've tried making a "gasket" of foil to hold it more snugly, I've done everything and still the thing falls off. All I can say is buy stock in JB Weld because I'm giogn through it like crazy.



  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    mine doesnt fall of if the screw is in front when placed on the egg
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • WokOnMedium
    WokOnMedium Posts: 1,376
    I can't say that I feel your pain, and I think if that were to occur to me regularly I'd be more than ticked. What does the mothership say? I can't imagine they expect you to mend your daisy wheel.

    I ended up attaching some nomex inside my Green cap to provide a better seal during shut down...would something like that tighten things up? I certainly don't want to add to your frustration...I know how I get when people assume I haven't tried their brilliant solution to a problem I have.
  • vidalia1
    vidalia1 Posts: 7,092
    Line the screw up like fishless says and all will be right with the world... :)
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    yep, if the slider cant slide back it stays balanced
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • Been there, done that...still falls off, plus you need to rotate the screw so that the top will always be in a position that it won't cause the lid to spin from the weight of the sliding top as per the instructions on the Naked Whiz's site: http://www.nakedwhiz.com/ceramicfaq.htm#dwinfo
  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    have you put a level on the egg to see iff its maybe tipped back a little, if mines tipped forward a quarter inch the lid doesnt stay open with the springs, maybe yours is tipped back a little. honestly, mine hasnt fallen off since keeping the screw forward like on the naked whiz site
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • fishlessman wrote:
    have you put a level on the egg to see iff its maybe tipped back a little, if mines tipped forward a quarter inch the lid doesnt stay open with the springs, maybe yours is tipped back a little. honestly, mine hasnt fallen off since keeping the screw forward like on the naked whiz site

    Actually the way I cook on the patio the egg is tipped a wee bit forward toward me which should make it even more difficult for the top to fall off.
    BENTE Posts: 8,337
    i had one on my small that did that it broke and i almost stopper using it but we bought a camper and i decided it was a good place for the small.. at eggtoberfest i bought a new daisey wheel and it fits like a glove.. i was told to use some gasket material for a gasket. i never did and so i blame myself for not doing it cause i got some leftover gasket. but was too lazy to use it.. the new one renewed my faith in the small (along with a adapter for the guru :whistle: )

    happy eggin


    Anderson S.C.

    "Life is too short to be diplomatic. A man's friends shouldn't mind what he does or says- and those who are not his friends, well, the hell with them. They don't count."

    Tyrus Raymond Cobb

  • fishlessman
    fishlessman Posts: 33,191
    maybe the dome is too small at the opening or the daisy is too big, my daisy actually gets stuck to the egg and i have to tap it loose, pulling on the handle and tapping it on the side with the lawn ranger tool
    fukahwee maine

    you can lead a fish to water but you can not make him drink it
  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    Is the vent cap loose enough to wobble?

    Does the vent cap seat all the way down on the chimney?
    Happy Trails

    Barbecue is not rocket surgery
  • when the daisy is on the egg, how does it sit? does the bottom flange rest on the ceramic at all, or does the underside of the daisy contact the top of the dome chimney?

    left side here shows how the daisy rests on my large.
    on my small, the daisy rides higher up on the chimney.

  • CBBQ
    CBBQ Posts: 610
    My daisy wheel was too small for the neck of my XL and wouldn't slide down far enough to stay on. Or maybe the neck is too thick for it to slide down. Anyway, I took a piece of braided/woven gasket and glued it to the neck of the egg around the top. Hasn't fallen off since.
  • RVH
    RVH Posts: 523
    I've fixed two caps that exhibited this same problem. In both cases the casting flash on the inside of the daisy top prevented the top from seating far enough down, and also allowed excessive wobble. No matter how carefully the lid was opened the daisy would fall off. Grinding this flash out with a dremmel tool in one case, and boring the cap out a little bit (just enough to remove the flashing) on a lathe in the other, fixed the problem.
    In both of the above cases the daisy tops now drop down around 0.300" farther, which is enough. No problems since.
  • This was a concern for me before I purchased my BGE. I was at a store looking at one and lifted the dome. Off popped the daisy wheel onto the tile floor. Oops...

    I asked my dealer about this issue. He said to just open the dome really slowly. When I got mine home, what did I do first thing? Lifted the dome and off popped the daisy wheel. Fortunately, it fell into a flower bed and did not get damaged.

    So, my fix has been to hold the daisy wheel handle every time I open the dome. This is the only bummer I have had so far with the BGE. I will try the screw allignment suggested above, and if I continue to have issues, will try a gasket.
  • JPF
    JPF Posts: 592
    I use extra gasket inside the top to make is very snug.
    This works the best for me. I have done it like this too.
    I almost never take the daisy off the egg. When it gets really gunked up I will burn some off with my mapp torch.
  • Dad
    Dad Posts: 14
    Open slowly and keep the screw alignment as close to the handle as you can. (we worried too when we bought ours)