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BGE Retail Opportunities

Iowa State Egger
Iowa State Egger Posts: 337
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Hi All -

I hope you all are doing well. I know I have not posted for some time, but a combination of being in the financial planning business and have child #3 has occupied a lot of my time.

I somewhat had a brainstorm today. I was in the middle of having my oldest son's birthday party (just turned 4). The family was raving over the meal that I made on the BGE. I asked both my father and brother when they were going to purchase their BGE... and my brother responded "I will buy my BGE from you because I know how much you love yours and sooner or later you are going to start selling these things."

Needless to say the wheels starting turning. I live in the rural Des Moines, Iowa area and the metro area is over 1,000,000 people. I buy my supplies from a True Value, and they are great people, but I unfortunately I have to educate them on the BGE. I went to a local BBQ supply store that sold BGE's, but they tried selling me a different "smoker."

I have the ability to make an investment and have the space that i would need (in my backyard shed) to sell BGE's - but I am clueless on how to proceed forward in the attempt to possibly sell BGE's from my home. Does anyone have any insight that they could share with me on this possibility/opportunity?


  • WokOnMedium
    WokOnMedium Posts: 1,376
    I also live in Iowa, I bought my Large from Bomgaars, they knew nothing.

    About a week and a half after I bought it I was making a business trip to Des Moines and was excited that because you live in a bigger city that I do, I thought Des Moines would have more resources.

    I stopped at a Tru Value and an Ace Hardware both in West Des Moines. Tru Value had a great display, but didn't seem to know a ton. When I went to Ace, the guy stopped me and was talking to me about how they cook on the egg outside each weekend and the owner of the store takes it home during the week. They at least had some experience with it.

    I've had the typical gasket issue, and many eggers here talk about what great service they get from their dealer, I don't have that resource. I think there is a market for what you want to do, and you ceertainly know more than the experience I have had with dealers. I would say to call the Mothership. Big Green Egg is certainly a niche and they need someone like you who can offer expertise not just a transaction. Good Luck. ;)
  • Grandpas Grub
    Call BGE or the distributor from your area.

    Home sales, never know until you ask.

  • Car Wash Mike
    Just my opinion, but if BGE would allow someone to sell out of their house. We all would. Pretty sure they would like a retail store front.

  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    just so happens I encountered "John" today at my BGE dealer. John is the BGE rep of the wholesale distributor serving our multi-state area including Iowa. They presently have over 300 dealers and operate out of Fargo, ND. Don't get me wrong - I have no interest in a dealership - it just so happens I first met John at the Chicago Steak & Egg Fest back in November. May I suggest that if you wish to pursue this idea call Atlanta and they will put you in contact with John. In the meantime check your email in a few minutes...
  • Buster Dog BBQ
    You are going to have to contact Northern Plains Distributing because they distribute the eggs for Iowa, Nebraska, North and South Dakota.

    There are a lot of egg dealers in the area and I would probably say that only a few really know that much about the egg. Mostly because they are sold in hardware stores where the other products are more up the dealers alley so to speak.

    Now, what True Value in WDM does is during the the summer, they do a lot of sample cooks on the BGE. They also have their staff participate in the BGE Challenge at the Great BBQ Lossal at the Fair Grounds. I have talked to their sales people and a few of them really do know a lot about them.
  • Iowa State Egger
    Mike -

    I am sure you are right, store front is have to be the goal. Since I live in Iowa, I can make that happen if it is a must. However, you should see the local "dealer display," it is embarrasing. I think I could sell one hundred BGE's with the proper marketing plan. I have an email into the mother ship.. I will let you all know how it goes.

  • WokOnMedium
    WokOnMedium Posts: 1,376
    Must have gone on a bad day.
  • Chris in Gwinnett
    Hey Iowa State Egger-
    I have alot of ideas on how to establish a business. This business however, would be challenging to sell from your house for several reasons. I think the number one reason is that you or your neighbors likely don't want retail traffic in your house / neighborhood, not to mention zoning issues. I also know BGE doesn't support e-tailers. Space would likely be an issue. There is a flip side of course, you may be onto something. Incorporate yourself and your new found company (you know, for protection.) Draw up a business / marketing plan. Rent on a few hundred square feet of retail space could likely be had for a song. At that point I imagine it is not much more than a tax id number, a quick credit application from BGE and presto, chango, you are a retailer.

    Certainly the devil is in the details, but at 30,000 feet it seems absolutely doable. Although, I should warn you that specialty retailers are in for a rough ride. On the the other hand, there would likely be a built in consumer base (the BGE Forum!). Certainly don't mean to come across as lecturing, but this is what I do for a living. I work in New Business Development / Consumer Products for a global manufacturer. I went to business school at Wharton(Penn) and finished in 2002. I have worked in NBD since then. This is actually right in my wheel house. We can chat offline if you want to pursue. You can likely refine to something that is doable with little investment required (
  • Buster Dog BBQ
    Fisher Fixture in Omaha can hook you up too. They had an eggfest two years ago and may have one in May. Just ask for Bill or Casey.
  • WokOnMedium
    WokOnMedium Posts: 1,376
    Thank you very much. Next time I go to the airport, I'll a lot a little extra time. Oh and I plan to be there in May for the Eggfest too!
  • Buster Dog BBQ
    No problem. They are downtown. Probably not a lot right now being winter but they carry Blues Hog, Dizzy Pig, and some accessories. They have got me what I needed before.
  • RJH10
    RJH10 Posts: 10
    If you contact the mother ship in Atlanta they will give you all the information you will need.. I checked on the same idea and process a few months back when my local dealer closed up shop.. They were very helpful,, at the time the opening min. order was $5000.00 consisting of various eggs & accessories of course.. I have a friend who's parents own a hardware store here , I pasted the idea & info on to them and now they are egg dealers here... Good luck if you decide to pursue your idea..I hope this helps you out.. Randall :) ...
  • Car Wash Mike
    I should have had an egg 15 years ago and was talked out of it. So I know what you mean about some dealers. Keep me posted. My Cats got lucky pulled it out. Don't forget about the game at Arrowhead this year.

  • Iowa State Egger
    All - thanks - you have given me great direction to this point. The good news is that i have a lot of background in business and how i would "set it up." - I run a successful financial planning business right now, but my passion is "egging." I have the ability to cover the start up costs and I'm not worried about store front.

    I plan on contacting the mothership on Monday. I will let you know how it comes out.
  • kansas state **** cats?
  • Iowa State Egger
    will you be at Arrowhead?
  • WokOnMedium
    WokOnMedium Posts: 1,376
    I don't know if people whose handles are not in bold text get to taunt. I'm just sayin' :whistle:
  • Iowa State Egger
    I am now getting cold feet about emailing the mothership, it seem to be impersonal.. my business takes me to Arkansas and Georgia in April, is this better to do in person?
  • Car Wash Mike
    Absolutely. Hopefully my mobile kitchen will be done. We will hook up.
  • RJH10
    RJH10 Posts: 10
    GET THEM ON THE PHONE ASAP!!! In case someone else has the same idea..... :ohmy:
  • Crimsongator
    Mothership will direct you to you particular distributor. They don't handle direct sale anymore (or much)
  • Iowa State Egger
    Mike -

    Let's make it a plan, we can figure out the details as they get closer. My clones may be "0" fer at that time, but it won't stop me!

  • Car Wash Mike
    We will, you guys have always traveled well. I will be cooking for about 20 so 20 more won't be a problem. :ohmy: :woohoo:

  • Iowa State Egger
    Rj and Crinsongator -

    Thanks for the advice, I will call on Monday and I will report back to you.
  • Car Wash Mike
    That is original. :woohoo: :woohoo:

  • NJ-GrEGG
    NJ-GrEGG Posts: 171
    You know...I would be interested in somebody who does routine Egg service! ( Replace gasket and other parts, clean, inspect and tighten bolts,seal cracks, paint touch-up, etc.) These are all on my "to do list" but I never get around to it.
  • Semolina Pilchard
    Sounds like you need a "husband" :side:
  • Florida Grillin Girl
    Carwash Mike,
    What is the mobile kitchen you are working on?? Are you going to use it for an Egg business or pleasure?
    Tampa, FL
    Happily egging on my original large BGE since 1996... now the owner of 5 eggs. Call me crazy, everyone else does!
    3 Large, 1 Small, 1 well-used Mini
  • Buster Dog BBQ