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ROCKS in my BGE Lump!!

Dan in StL
Dan in StL Posts: 254
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Near the butt crack of dawn this morning I posted an entry ("Butt Problems") regarding problems I was having with holding a steady temp. Well, after I thought I had things stabilized, the bottom dropped out of the temp. Now an hour or 2 earlier I had jiggled the grate to revove built up ash and dust. I pulled the butt off, lifted the grate and place setter and found that the coals were all but out. What I found was that there were 6 fairly decent sized ROCKS that had to have been in the BGE lump when I poured it out of the bag.

I'll post pics once I figure out how to.

Dan in STL


  • citychicken
    citychicken Posts: 484
    it's unfortunate, but it is inevitable that you will have that happen from time to time. although i never presort the lump, i always keep an eye out for miscellaneous debris while filling tthe egg with lump.
  • Mike in Abita
    Mike in Abita Posts: 3,302
    Man you are lucky. :woohoo: Moon rocks are the best. I haven't had one in quite a few bags. Collect all 10 and win a special prize. :P :whistle:
  • Fidel
    Fidel Posts: 10,172
    It happens in most brands of lump. The stuff is mass produced and loaded with front end loaders into big hoppers, then bags are filled.

    There isn't a lot of quality control you can do in such a dirty environment. When the rocks go into the bag they are likely covered in ash/soot and can't be easily seen.

    Just part of the deal if you ask me. Sometimes rocks, sometimes chunks of concrete, sometimes uncarbonized wood. No biggie. If I had one more than a pound or so I would likely take it up with the retailer to try to get some sort of compensation.
  • AZRP
    AZRP Posts: 10,116
    It sounds like you didn't have enough coal for the cook. You want to fill it halfway up into the fire ring. -RP
  • Rascal
    Rascal Posts: 3,923
    Hmmmm... The other day I bought 3 10# bags of RO from WM. When I got home I discovered a large piece of rusty metal sticking out of one. I'm sure glad it didn't pierce my skin as it could have been nasty!

  • Dan in StL
    Dan in StL Posts: 254
    Live and learn. I had PLENTY of lump in - almost up to the top of the ring. The rocks had settled over the holes and choked things off.

    Now that I've gotten my rocks off, I'll get back to pusuing the perfect butt. . .
  • lowercasebill
    lowercasebill Posts: 5,218
    let me know if you need help posting pics it sounds more difficult than it is
  • lowercasebill
    lowercasebill Posts: 5,218
    only 9 more to go ...i am so eggcited [found this yesterday some sort of metalic slag]

  • RRP
    RRP Posts: 25,928
    here's my rock collection!
  • Dan in StL
    Dan in StL Posts: 254
    Live and learn. I had PLENTY of lump in - almost up to the top of the ring. The rocks had settled over the holes and choked things off.

    Now that I've gotten my rocks off, I'll get back to pusuing the perfect butt. . .
  • Grandpas Grub
    Grandpas Grub Posts: 14,226
    I thought I was doing pretty good but you got some doozies there. I got a little free steel wool yesterday in my RO.

  • thirdeye
    thirdeye Posts: 7,428
    Heheee. I've found everything except a sparkplug in various bags of lump. Metal, insulation, melted rope and rocks of all kinds and sizes. Here is the champion, it's roughly the size of a beer can.

    Happy Trails

    Barbecue is not rocket surgery
  • Jeffersonian
    Jeffersonian Posts: 4,244
    It's particularly galling given that lump is sold on a weight basis and that many rocks surely means you're getting a lot less lump in this bag...and BGE lump isn't cheap, approaching $1/lb at the places I've bought it in STL.

    I've long since migrated to Royal Oak, which I can almost always get at Shop 'n' Save for about half the price of BGE.