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DP Products

NitroSmoke Posts: 30
edited November -1 in EggHead Forum
Im about to finally pull the trigger on some DP rubs, but dont know which ones to get. Is there one or two that are kind of an "all purpose" or do I need to get meat specific products? I went to their website, and its very informative. But I wanted to run this by the folks on here because I know alot of you have experience using their products. Thanks in advance for any info.


  • NitroSmoke,
    probably the two most versatile rubs (IMHO) are dizzy dust and raging river. ..both are good on just about any meat/veggie/whatever. . ..the new Shaking the tree is also very good on just about anything. ..[p]when you order, also ask for a sample pack set ..this way you'll get a little bit of everythign, and you'll be able to try all kinds of things out ....then you'll be hooked and placing orders on a weekly basis. .. .yes, its all a big dizzy conspiracy ..bbbbooooooohwwwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhahahahahah

  • Photo Egg
    Photo Egg Posts: 12,115
    I would say if money is not big issue to buy one of each.
    We can all tell you the ones we like the best but I can't think of one I would like to give up.
    I like a little shot of Swamp Venom in my martini to give it a little kick.

    Thank you,

    Galveston Texas
  • NitroSmoke,
    You CAN'T go wrong. Best would likely be try them all. They are all great and even though some like one on a type of meat more than others, you will find someone that will tell you why they like each on any kind of meat or fish. Like the ole commercial, "Try it, you'll like it!".

  • drbbq
    drbbq Posts: 1,152
    NitroSmoke,[p]I made some Super Bowl wings with Jamaican Firewalk and they were excellent. I don't think it would be fair to blame them for the Bears choking either.
    Ray Lampe Dr. BBQ
  • Roudy
    Roudy Posts: 431
    mad max beyond eggdome & nitro smoke,[p]Ditto to what Mad Max has suggested. I started with a jar of Dizzy Dust and the sample pack. That has led me to cook with and subsequently order Tsunami Spin, Raising the Steaks, and Red Eye Express. It's only a matter of time before I order more items.[p]Roudy

  • NitroSmoke,[p]I find Dizzy Dust (chicken/pork) and Cowlick (beef) to be my starters, then start mixing others in there, trying for different tastes[p]Howard

  • dhuffjr
    dhuffjr Posts: 3,182
    My favs are RedEye, Raging River, and Shaking the Tree, Cowlick and Raising the steaks are also very good.

  • Thanks to everybody for your input. I think Ive decided to just get the "gift pack" with all of them. Im not real good at making decisions.
  • NitroSmoke,
    Bet you send posts that you are impressed with the service and even more so the rubs.

  • Photo Egg,
    Hey Darian
    I tried out those two rubs you gave me.
    Swamp Venom on ABTs Monday night and Firewalk on a fattie the week before.
    ABTs are now the breakfast of choice in the office by my coworkers.
    It was great to meet you can most definately call when you are in town again![p]Linnea

  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    Rusty Rooster,[p] Nitro don't bet you'll lose... :)
  • If I order the gift set with all the rubs, do I also get samples of each in addition to that? Im asking because the website says - [p]Each pack is in a beautiful pinstriped box and contains your selected rubs as well as a sticker, lapel/hat pin, brochure, and samples of all of our other rubs
  • Celtic Wolf
    Celtic Wolf Posts: 9,773
    NitroSmoke,[p] If that is what it says that is what you will get.. Dizzy Pig is just that way..
  • Davekatz
    Davekatz Posts: 763
    NitroSmoke,[p]Wise choice. My wife got me the whole set for Xmas and I've not only been please with every one of them, but the service has also been great. [p]Dave[p]

    [ul][li] Our Big Green Egg[/ul]
    Food & Fire - The carnivorous ramblings of a gluten-free grill geek.
  • Photo Egg
    Photo Egg Posts: 12,115
    Hi Linnea,
    Glad you liked the DP.
    How was your pizza party. I was looking for a post with photos. Looks like I got out of MN just in time. I hear it's been a little colder. I played gold here last Saturday and wore a ski mask for the first couple holes but it warmed up to nice day.
    Thanks again for the home cooked pizza. It was great to escape the family and visit with you. This was a very nice visit home.
    Take care,

    Thank you,

    Galveston Texas
  • Darian,
    The pizza party was a huge hit and success.
    I did not take any photos because I was literally making pizzas for 2 straight hours.
    Lucy did a fabulous job cooking the pizzas and my friends, who though I was crazy to want a second grill, told me they now fully endorse me getting "Ethel" a small. [p]A bit colder is the understatement of the week. Last weekend we were waking up to air temps -17 and then add the wind chill to -35. I did not leave the house at all Saturday but had stuff to Sunday and it was a nicer day (it got to 0 by 2PM).[p]You are welcome for the pizza, it was fun to have around who understands the obsession and why one will drive an hour to get the charcoal they want to try out.
    If are back this summer give me a call and I will be happy to cook again.[p]Linnea

  • NitroSmoke,[p]I've tried the Dizzy Dust and Ragin River the other night on boneless pork chops, and both were eggcellent. I plan to get some fish soon try the Ragin River on it. I also have the Raisin the Steaks rub, but haven't used it yet, but I will soon. The family likes the taste of both the rubs I've used so far. I plan to get more in the near future.
  • wobin
    wobin Posts: 211
    Photo Egg,
    Vodka or gin martini? Sounds good! Try a dash of swamp on OE eggs in the morning.[p]Cheers, Glenn

  • NitroSmoke,
    Bite the bullet and get ALL of them! My favs are Shakin the Tree and Tsunami Spin.. and Jamaican Firewalk... and Dizzy Dust... and... and.... [p]If you ask them real nice, they will put samples in of what you don't buy.[p]Lisa