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Steak night low carb - high fat diet

So just a quick steak night - low carb high fat diet. Reverse seared my filet, topped with a mixture of cream cheese and blue cheese. A side of pressure cooked broccoli and peppers. My other side is a homemade thing I whipped together. 1lb of left over smoked pulled pork, 8oz cream cheese and 4 cups of cheddar cheese, mixed and baked.  Overall 3 net carbs. 

Kansas City, Missouri
Large Egg
Mini Egg

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" - Gandalf


  • J-dubya
    J-dubya Posts: 173
    Looks great!   I've been on super low card/high fat for quite a while. It's not easy (I have one "carb" day a week), but I'm convinced it's a healthiest diet. 
  • bhedges1987
    bhedges1987 Posts: 3,201
    edited February 2016
    It is the healthiest. Science is showing it..however the pharmaceutical companies and doctors don't want you to know. ... It is hard. I try to have a cheat day once every 2 weeks. 

    Kansas City, Missouri
    Large Egg
    Mini Egg

    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" - Gandalf

  • epcotisbest
    epcotisbest Posts: 2,174
    Looks good. I am bringing my sugar numbers down with low carb and losing weight too.
  • Dyal_SC
    Dyal_SC Posts: 6,104
    Looks deeeeeelicious! 
  • Eggcelsior
    Eggcelsior Posts: 14,414
    It is the healthiest. Science is showing it..however the pharmaceutical companies and doctors don't want you to know. ... It is hard. I try to have a cheat day once every 2 weeks. 
    Wut??? I'd like to meet the doctors and drug companies that don't want me to know since we advocate lower carb, high fiber, increased unsaturated fat diets for CAD, HTN, and DM patients to lower their A1c and LDL/Triglyceride levels while increasing HDL. This in concert with current antilipemics and anti-diabetic meds help patients lose weight and keep their blood levels in check. Moderation is the healthiest diet, period. It's okay to cheat once in a while, since elimination diets are doomed to fail.

    Either way, great looking meal.
  • bhedges1987
    bhedges1987 Posts: 3,201
    It is the healthiest. Science is showing it..however the pharmaceutical companies and doctors don't want you to know. ... It is hard. I try to have a cheat day once every 2 weeks. 
    Wut??? I'd like to meet the doctors and drug companies that don't want me to know since we advocate lower carb, high fiber, increased unsaturated fat diets for CAD, HTN, and DM patients to lower their A1c and LDL/Triglyceride levels while increasing HDL. This in concert with current antilipemics and anti-diabetic meds help patients lose weight and keep their blood levels in check. Moderation is the healthiest diet, period. It's okay to cheat once in a while, since elimination diets are doomed to fail.

    Either way, great looking meal.
    Saturated fat is VERY good for you. That's where they say it's wrong. My wife and my own blood tests prove it, along with thousands of videos and blogs supporting the overwhelming evidence.  I increased my saturated fats by 10x and my cholesterol has been cut in half,my good cholesterol was in the 15 -18 range and it has sky rocketed to 50 by eating so much saturated fat.  Tryglicerides from 485 to 95 though thats from the lower carb part.

    Kansas City, Missouri
    Large Egg
    Mini Egg

    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" - Gandalf

  • Mikee
    Mikee Posts: 892

    I also believe in the low carb diet. The thing to keep in mind is that its low carb and not no carb. While there is official amount of carbs to define 'low carb'; it generally around the 50 gram mark. Dr. Atkins recommended 20 grams of healthy carbs when starting in the induction phase. Trying to eliminate all carbs or staying in the 20 range eliminates a lot of foods and is a recipe for disaster as it eliminates many vegetable, fruits and beer.

  • Legume
    Legume Posts: 14,658
    thousands of videos and blogs supporting the overwhelming evidence.  
    I'm happy for your success.  At the same time, be careful with "internet health" and please don't presume all doctors and pharma companies have this big conspiracy to keep you sick and sell you meds.
    Not a felon
  • bhedges1987
    bhedges1987 Posts: 3,201
    Legume said:
    thousands of videos and blogs supporting the overwhelming evidence.  
    I'm happy for your success.  At the same time, be careful with "internet health" and please don't presume all doctors and pharma companies have this big conspiracy to keep you sick and sell you meds.
    I do believe 100% that the pharmaceutical companies do as that's how they make their money. 30 years ago 250 cholesterol was normal, now since meds can take you below 100 that's what they want. Keep in mind statistics show CAD has increased over this time WITH drugs.   However, I have found a few doctors in my area that are pro Low-carb-high fat who I have seen and taken guidance from. On hand A I have a doctor who tells me that I will have CAD by my 40's because no one can get cholesterol as high as mine even by eating bacon every day, wants me on medicine as there is zero possibility to lower it.Doctor A gave me a food diagram to follow that consisted of eating mainly breads, pasta, fish with little to no red meat.  Doctor B tells me doctor A doesn't listen to new science and evidence and tells me to eat bacon, eggs, meat and stay off the medicine and away from carbs. Doctor B showed me countless tests of his own studies that support his claim along with new science evidence. Doctor B's advice worked.  There were two species back in the day. The vegetarians died off. The carnivores are still here. Must have been doing something right. 

    Kansas City, Missouri
    Large Egg
    Mini Egg

    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" - Gandalf

  • Eggcelsior
    Eggcelsior Posts: 14,414
    Cool anecdotal evidence, bro! I never said saturated fats were bad for you, but feel free to assume and make declarative statements. What works for you and your wife diet-wise may not work for others(or it may!) and is certainly not a panacea, as it doesn't account for other issues like smoking or the sedentary lifestyle that most Americans have.

    Also, recommended total cholesterol is 200 mg/dL, not 100. 
  • jonnymack
    I'm not a fan of the high fat low carb thing. I don't have any fancy medical facts or jargon to back me up. I just know that eating more fish, more fresh veggies and less high fat junk, less red meat and much much less carbs has me feeling much better and with more energy. Weight is slowly coming off but it is definitely redistributing (with heavy exercise). I think everyone has something that works best for them and that's what they should roll with. Good luck! 
    Firing up the BGE in Covington, GA

  • THEBuckeye
    THEBuckeye Posts: 4,231
    NO FORKS! 
    New Albany, Ohio 

  • J-dubya
    J-dubya Posts: 173
    It is the healthiest. Science is showing it..however the pharmaceutical companies and doctors don't want you to know. ... It is hard. I try to have a cheat day once every 2 weeks. 
    Wut??? I'd like to meet the doctors and drug companies that don't want me to know since we advocate lower carb, high fiber, increased unsaturated fat diets for CAD, HTN, and DM patients to lower their A1c and LDL/Triglyceride levels while increasing HDL. This in concert with current antilipemics and anti-diabetic meds help patients lose weight and keep their blood levels in check. Moderation is the healthiest diet, period. It's okay to cheat once in a while, since elimination diets are doomed to fail.

    Either way, great looking meal.
    Huh? The ADA - which pretty much every PCP in the country uses for diabetes guidlines advocates a high carb diet.  The ADA's board member almost all have direct ties to big pharm. It's public knowledge.

       "Moderation" is not key when it comes to poisons like sugar. Would you advise smoking cigs in moderation? 
  • Eggcelsior
    Eggcelsior Posts: 14,414

    @J-dubya No, they don't. Nice try, though.

    Evidence suggests that there is not an ideal percentage of calories from carbohydrate, protein, and fat for all people with diabetes (B); therefore, macronutrient distribution should be based on individualized assessment of current eating patterns, preferences, and metabolic goals. (E

    That is the official position statement of the ADA. We advocate that patients follow a diet that they can stick to and we attempt it for 6 months to 1 year prior to trying any medication unless other risk factors are present. We recommend limiting carbohydrates and if they are consumed, getting them from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, rather than refined wheat products and concentrated sweets(which we recommend that at-risk individuals avoid).

    Moderation is the only diet that works for people on a wide scale, as these are called "diseases of excess" for a reason. No PCP I know recommends a high carb diet(not knowing what context you mean) and the idea that sugar is "poison" is laughable at best, considering glucose is the only fuel your brain uses. Too much sugar? Sure, it is detrimental, especially if you don't exercise and use the energy you are consuming.  Sloth is the sin that is killing us, in combination with Gluttony.

    Cool logical fallacy with the cigarette comment.

  • J-dubya
    J-dubya Posts: 173
    edited February 2016
    So you aren't  going to comment about the ADA obvious ties to big pharm - it's disgusting and embarrassing. Anyone can see this information. 

          The ADA's advice has done nothing to slow this epidemic - but that the patient's fault right? Diabetic tics are to blame because of "sloth and gluttony?" Or maybe all your advice is completely wrong and patients aren't to blame. You guys are about 10 years behind mainstream science.  Whole grains are good for diabetics?? Let me guess you want them eating trans-fat instead of butter?

          Your comment about the brain needing glucose so therefore you need carbs in your diet,tells me you need a high school biolog class, this is basic stuff! 

       There are cultures around the world that eat no veggies or fruit, just fat and protein. Diabetes is un-detectable, until western culture brings in inexpensive carbs. 

    Seriously, for a second consider that everything you are doing for patients might be completely wrong, you are like the doctors that doomed Gerorge Washington by draining his blood, or the doctors that testified before congress that cigarettes might be beneficial. 
  • Legume
    Legume Posts: 14,658
    Dude, you totally need your own blog where you can reach the masses.  Limiting this to a BBQ forum is a crime.
    Not a felon
  • Eggcelsior
    Eggcelsior Posts: 14,414
    J-dubya said:
    So you aren't  going to comment about the ADA obvious ties to big pharm - it's disgusting and embarrassing. Anyone can see this information. 

          The ADA's advice has done nothing to slow this epidemic - but that the patient's fault right? Diabetic tics are to blame because of "sloth and gluttony?" Or maybe all your advice is completely wrong and patients aren't to blame. You guys are about 10 years behind mainstream science.  Whole grains are good for diabetics?? Let me guess you want them eating trans-fat instead of butter?

          Your comment about the brain needing glucose so therefore you need carbs in your diet,tells me you need a high school biolog class, this is basic stuff! 

       There are cultures around the world that eat no veggies or fruit, just fat and protein. Diabetes is un-detectable, until western culture brings in inexpensive carbs. 

    Seriously, for a second consider that everything you are doing for patients might be completely wrong, you are like the doctors that doomed Gerorge Washington by draining his blood, or the doctors that testified before congress that cigarettes might be beneficial. 


    (Catches breath)


    I chose not to comment on the ADA's ties to industry, since that is not what we are talking about. We are talking about diet. I never said that you need carbs for glucose, just that your brain depends on glucose for fuel. You can make your own glucose through protein destruction during gluconeogenesis.

    If you honestly believe that it is not someone's fault for what they choose to put into their own mouth, well, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Lack of reading comprehension, more logical fallacies... BRAVO! This is a perfect troll. I applaud you, good sir. Troll on!

  • MelSharples
    Wow! Who new a nice plated pic would lead to a throw down.
    LBGE 2015 - Atlanta
  • bhedges1987
    bhedges1987 Posts: 3,201
    edited February 2016

    @J-dubya No, they don't. Nice try, though.

    Evidence suggests that there is not an ideal percentage of calories from carbohydrate, protein, and fat for all people with diabetes (B); therefore, macronutrient distribution should be based on individualized assessment of current eating patterns, preferences, and metabolic goals. (E

    That is the official position statement of the ADA. We advocate that patients follow a diet that they can stick to and we attempt it for 6 months to 1 year prior to trying any medication unless other risk factors are present. We recommend limiting carbohydrates and if they are consumed, getting them from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, rather than refined wheat products and concentrated sweets(which we recommend that at-risk individuals avoid).

    Moderation is the only diet that works for people on a wide scale, as these are called "diseases of excess" for a reason. No PCP I know recommends a high carb diet(not knowing what context you mean) and the idea that sugar is "poison" is laughable at best, considering glucose is the only fuel your brain uses. Too much sugar? Sure, it is detrimental, especially if you don't exercise and use the energy you are consuming.  Sloth is the sin that is killing us, in combination with Gluttony.

    Cool logical fallacy with the cigarette comment.

    I'm beginning to think you're a doctor since you use "we". If you are, please look at new overwhelming evidence, science and research before you spew your ancient and dated information to your patients suggesting that sugar is not bad for them and eating whatever you want in moderation is the best. 

    Kansas City, Missouri
    Large Egg
    Mini Egg

    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" - Gandalf

  • Eggcelsior
    Eggcelsior Posts: 14,414

    I'm not a doctor, but thanks for the sentiment.

    "Sugar" is not bad for you. Too much sugar is, and very little refined sugar should be consumed. That is what I mean when medical providers recommend moderation. What you call a "cheat day" is exactly that. Moderation.

    Keep on Interwebbin', I'm not trying to change your mind. Like I said before, what works for someone does not work for others. Some people believe in a Vegan/Vegetarian diet, some people believe in a Mediterranean diet... some do low-carb/Atkins, some do Paleo/Primal. Some eat whatever they want and exercise regularly to burn off the calories wherever they come from. Humans are genetically similar, but not exact copies. Lots of factors contribute to what works for one and not for another.

    What I've been trying to say is the diet that works(therefore, the healthiest) is the one that you are going to stick to. Otherwise, it's just another failed attempt and what ever gains you made are reversed.  If what you choose to do is working for you, great job and keep it up. I never said you were wrong.